ITAS Risk Reporting Integration to an ERP Business Requirements and Limitations The Solution Issues Faced Evolution Business Benefits POWERED BY HIVEDOME
Business Requirements SOLUTION ISSUES FACED BUS. BENEFITS EVOLUTION Business Requirements Risk Reporting Capture data generated through ITAS reporting processes for a wider audience Problems to solve: Having to perform manual extracts to excel which is time consuming and prone to errors Needing further information not available to reports Volume of detail not suited to spreadsheet or printing Require both scheduled and on-demand requests (jobs) Flat data structure in repository to match output generated by desktop users Changes applied to desktop application must flow through without additional work/updates Repository to be easily query-able, handle historical data, be segregated at Trading Entity and request (job) levels
Overview of the solution provided REQUIREMENTS SOLUTION ISSUES FACED BUS. BENEFITS EVOLUTION Risk Reporting Overview of the solution provided Convert GPLRPT to allow the 2 report styles to be exposed to batch style processing Included standardising parameter capture (command-line) SSIS script built to: Call GPLRPT for each report Read excel data extracted, transform and store in target Database (RD) Run additional SQL to build list on trades, use ITASPL to calculate values and store in target Database Send notification to nominated Topic including Job ID API endpoint introduced to accept requests for on-demand extract External User Request manual extract Create Job Manage schedule Trigger SSIS activation SSIS Scheduler Build report data using SQL and Heritage functions Push data into dedicated reporting database tables Generate notification to dedicated Topic SSIS Job Reason for the solution provided Notify relevant people job complete To create a re-usable model based on existing Reporting Database infrastructure Client wanted data available outside of ITAS in DB so that data could be extracted to their corporate data warehouse By allowing API call for on-demand extract, users outside of ITAS could request data and extract directly from the Reporting Database on receipt of a notification all through their own middle tier Parallel project to enhance the reporting data provided by one of the GPLREP reports, no re-working for extract process Middle Tier Reporter
Issues faced in Phase 1 Issues faced in Phase 2 Risk Reporting REQUIREMENTS SOLUTION ISSUES FACED BUS. BENEFITS EVOLUTION Issues faced in Phase 1 Risk Reporting Reporting logic built into desktop application (GPLREP) Front-end required user intervention, parameter selections Scheduled jobs managed through Data Export feature in Trader Desktop but needed on-demand option Additional Trading data required by risk team to compliment Reporting data Issues faced in Phase 2 Needed to ensure changes applied to GPLREP reports automatically available to this process Potentially further reports would be needed for same process Output via file (CSV) requires physical location, so potential setup/security issues Needed to expose these reports to other consumers, alternate outputs such as data stream
Corporate Risk Reporting Evolution REQUIREMENTS SOLUTION ISSUES FACED BUS. BENEFITS EVOLUTION Risk Reporting Corporate Risk Reporting Evolution Phase 1 - In order to consumer GPLREP output the application was converted using standard methods Move reporting logic to public module (BAS) Handle call through batch method (Sub Main->Command) Desktop activation changed to use public module, logic Part of Reporting Database infrastructure SSIS scripts can be version-controlled at client level, bespoke and separated from normal generic stars Client wanted flat table structure as opposed to star for simplicity of reading as ultimate target was corporate Database Improved public access to reporting logic by moving to dedicated class Single point-of-reference for any report through RF, knowledge of class names, parameters and expected responses Standardised output options to single function based on Ar() data format meaning new methods immediately available to all converted reports, ability to pass data stream/dictionary directly back to consumer Phase 1 - To allow simple customisation of the overall process (workflow) SSIS was a natural choice Phase 2 - To address the issue of building a re-usable model we introduced ReportFactory
Defining the User Journey REQUIREMENTS SOLUTION ISSUES FACED BUS. BENEFITS EVOLUTION Defining the User Journey Risk Reporting Requirement Solution Replace manual process of extracting reporting data from GPLREP via Advanced Print to Excel Provide public access to reporting logic, ReportFactory to ensure consistency in usage and return raw report data Schedule an automated process, allow different times for different groups of Trading Entities Reports Admin in Trader Desktop provides UI for managing schedule, identification of Trading Entities as standard Provide an on-demand facility ITAS API endpoint, accepts parameters for filtering and generates new Job request for standard Data Extract function, triggered by middle tier process Allow identification of data by time and/or id Job ID generated by script and stored against each record, also TimeStamped Inform user when new data available Notification raised using Alerts process, includes Job ID, middle tier subscriber can then redirect to any end-user and/or process Extract to file not always appropriate, data to be stored in Reporting Database SSIS script to consume reports directly to generate raw report data and then push to bespoke, dedicated tables in RD Future changes to desktop report need to be mirrored in automated process ReportFactory model provides single point of contact irrespective of consumer; desktop, API or SSIS all referencing same report logic