BOOK 1, LINES 195-207.


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Presentation transcript:

BOOK 1, LINES 195-207

heros vina dividit. heros - hero

quae deinde bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat – had loaded heros vina, quae deinde bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat, dividit. quae - which onera(ve)rat – had loaded

quae deinde bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat in litore heros vina, quae deinde bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat in litore Trinacrio, dividit. Trinacrio – of Sicily

bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat in litore Trinacrio et heros vina, quae deinde bonus Acestes onera(ve)rat in litore Trinacrio et abeuntibus dederat, dividit. abeuntibus – to them departing

onerarat Acestes (in) litore Trinacrio vina, bonus quae deinde onerarat Acestes (in) litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus, heros dividit.

et heros pectora dictis dictis – verbis (abl of means) mulcet. dictis – verbis (abl of means) mulceo, -ere - soothes

pectora sunt maerentia. maerentia - misera

et (heros) dictis maerentia pectora mulcet.

hinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes. vina bonus quae deinde onerarat Acestes litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus, heros dividit, et dictis maerentia pectora mulcet

“O socii (neque enim sumus neque enim – for we are not ignari ante malorum)… neque enim – for we are not ante – earlier malorum - misfortunes

“O socii (neque enim sumus ignari ante malorum), O passi graviora… passi graviora – those who have endured much worse

“O socii (neque enim sumus passi graviora, deus quoque ignari ante malorum), O passi graviora, deus quoque finem his dabit. finem – end his – to these things dabit – will give

vos etiam rabiem Scyllaem acces(is)tis rabies, -ei, f - savagery Scyllaem – of Scylla (a monster) accessistis – have approached (syncopated form)

vos et(iam) Scyllaem rabiem et scopulos sonantes acces(is)tis scopulos – crags sono, -are - resound

vos et(iam) Scyllaem rabiem acces(is)tis scopulos et penitus sonantes acces(is)tis scopulos penitus – far away

vos et(iam) Cylopia saxa experti estis – have endured

vos et(iam) Scyllaem rabiem et penitus sonantes acces(is)tis scopulos, vos et(iam) cyclopia saxa experti (estis).

revocate animos!

revocate animos et mittite maestum timorem! maestum - miserum

revocate animos maestumque timorem mittite!

meminisse – to remember iuvabit – it will be pleasant et forsan olim haec meminisse iuvabit forsan – perhaps meminisse – to remember iuvabit – it will be pleasant

revocate animos, maestumque timorem mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.

per varios casus, nos in Latium tendimus. casus – misfortunes tendimus – we head

discrimina rerum – dangerous per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum, nos in Latium tendimus. discrimina rerum – dangerous situations

(nos) in Latium tendimus, ubi ostendunt – point forth per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum, (nos) in Latium tendimus, ubi fata sedes quietas ostendunt fata – fates sedes – domus ostendunt – point forth

in Latium tendimus, sedes ubi per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum, in Latium tendimus, sedes ubi fata quietas ostendunt;

regna Troiae resurgere. fas – divinely ordained for illic, est fas regna Troiae resurgere. illic – there fas – divinely ordained for regna – kingdoms resurgo, -ere - rise

per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas ostendunt; illic, fas (est) regna resurgere Troiae.

durate! duro, -are - endure

durate, et vosmet rebus secundis servate! vosmet – yourselves (direct object) rebus secundis – for favorable things servate - save

durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis!”