Rehabilitation and Low Vision Committee Chairman Jenny Pearce
Main aim of group The aim of the group is to ensure that every person who experiences sight loss can benefit from the provision of early access to a nationally agreed pathway promoting independence, choice and control over their lifestyle
Main Objectives To influence key stakeholders, particularly local authority commissioners, so that blind & partially sighted people get the right help, at the right time, from the right person To support the workforce and achieve a shared quality standard in the profession To develop a UK-wide low vision quality standard To conduct a project aiming to enable people with sight loss to enjoy a seamless journey on the Eye health and Sight Loss pathway, through an integrated care approach
Progress & Successes over 2016 RNIB ‘See and Plan’ campaign launched and succeeding in holding local authority commissioners to account Successful application to Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, to set up a trailblazer apprenticeship scheme. Standards now being developed ‘Principles of Good Practice in Rehabilitation’ launched and disseminated, to support high quality standards of provision Information pack ‘Sight Loss – What we needed to know’ developed and piloted, to enable newly certified people get prompt and accessible information Study currently being conducted to show what costs are avoided by provision of rehabilitation High level cross-sector Board set up for Integrated Care project
One Key Objective for the next year Creation of Trailblazer Apprenticeship Scheme, to increase recruitment of Rehabilitation Officers, to meet needs – this is work in progress: Quality standards being developed Assessment process being determined Assessment schedules to be developed with employer Students on scheme from 16th January 2017 Effectiveness to be reviewed and monitored