SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN CROATIA Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
WHO ARE THE SOCIAL PARTNERS IN THE ESC? TRADE UNION CENTERS 30% of employees are organised 134.838 113.598 80.311 41.584 10500 23.739 EKN SSSH NHS MHSJS HUS URSH Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
WHO ARE THE SOCIAL PARTNERS IN THE ESC? EMPLOYERS Before the approval of the Labour Code 1996 negotiations were held with the Croatian Chamber of economics and with the Croatian Chamber of Industry. Currently: the largest employers’ organisation, the Employers Organisation of Croatia, but there are other ones, like The Organisation of Employers in the Wood- and Paper Industry or the Independent Organisation of Employers and others EOC – never allowed the publication of its membership list Declares to have 5000 employers as members with around 300 000 workers. Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
WHO ARE THE SOCIAL PARTNERS IN THE ESC? THE GOVERNMENT ministries central state agencies agencies Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Background and objectives: To contribute to the welfare and social safety of the society. Through the dialogue, the social partners A consult on, develop and protect the economic and social interests. The ECS works on the basis of mutual trust, professional skills, the respect for diversity and a consequent and responsible enforcement of the agreements. Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
THE OPERATION OF THE ESC NATIONAL ECS 18 MEMBERS COMMITTEES WORKING GROUPS ESC COORDINATION trilateral bodies ad hoc trilateral groups on the basis of a special decision by the ESC president, vicw-president, head of the social partnership buro consultative meetings (on weekly basis) Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
DECISION MAKING AND VOTING IN THE ESC TRADE UNIONS 1 vote GOVERNMENT 1 vote EMPLOYERS 1 vote Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
ESC COMMITTEES (3-3 representative of the government, trade unionsand employers) Committee on wages and taxes Committee on labour and social policy Committee on collective bargaining Committee on privatisation 1 Committee on legislation, application and enforcement of law Committee on international relations and EU accession Committee on state budget Committee on alternative solution of labour disputes Committee on employment, training and labour market conciliation Committee on pension and health Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
SOCIAL PARTNERS IN OTHERBODIES (government, trade unionsand employers) NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FUNDS OTHER BODIES board of the CPF board of the CHF Consultation body to the Employees’ Benefit Fund Consultation body to the Rehabilitation and Employment of workers with disabilities Fund Economic Policy council Demography Council Committee on Adult Training Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
THE CHROATIAN PARLIAMENT AND THE SOCIAL PARTNERS HTV BROADCAST COUNCIL COMMITTEES (external members) NATIONAL OBSERVATION COMMITTE ON EU NEGOTIATIONS labour, health and social policy budget and financies economy, development and reconstruction legislation working groups Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
SOCIAL DIALOGUE AT THE MICRO-LEVEL ECONOMIC ENTITIES AND INSTITUTIONS REGIONAL SERVICE POINTS ESC AT THE COUNTY LEVEL (20) works councils employee representative of the NDC, employers representative of the NDC, NDC committees employee representatives in the boards and supevisory boards consulting body employers trade unions local, territorial and regional governments Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
SOCIAL DIALOGUE AT THE COMPANY LEVEL Shareholders’ representatives workers’ representatives Supervisory board Board of directors NDC representatives trade unions Works council Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
trade unions make social agreements in the restructuring process Social dialogue is solid at the company level: trade unions, works councils, NDC and SB representatives SD is developing at the municipal level: together against black employment trade unions make social agreements in the restructuring process Forms of agreements: CA social partnership agreement agreement in connection with outsourcing privatisation agreements agreement on the operation of the works council agreement on the payment of employees’ benefits Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND AGREEMENT (DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES) TU CONFEDERATIONS EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATIONS SSSH 20 sectoral unions NHS 36 member organisations URSH 45 member organisations MHSJS 5 member organisations HUS 5 member organisations HUP 21 member organisations SNUP 7 member organisations KHIP 5 member organisations SECTORAL CA “INTERNAL” CA Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
PROBLEMS OF THE ECS has a consultation role only for the government and the employers it is a necessary bad but not a competent body, and often avoid it completely (acts are urgently approved without a consultation with the ECS) serves to harm the strength of trade union actions parties have each 6-6 representatives unions are represented according to their membership strength – we had to prove our representativity, the employers did not Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
PROBLEMS WITH EMPLOYERS no specific regulation on representation according to trade union estimates, the EOCH covers only a relatively small rate of employees (14 – 20%) the EOCH has no interest in collective bargaining, it is more an advocate of trilateral negotiations and of lobbying with the government the EOCH is the exclusive representative of employers in the ESC Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a
PROBLEMS WITH TRADE UNIONS no specific regulation on representation lose requirements for the establishment of a trade union confederation, therefore confederations exist which have not signed a single CA independently the new confederations have no democratic and developed infrastructures or territorial coverage, work with a small staff and have lower contributions, which make them more attractive for potential members unsatisfactory trade union and professional work of the other (con)federations, they simply try to “survive” Balatonszemes, 21.04.2010. Ivan Tomac Predsjednik EKN-a