Feast or Famine: Pre-Award Strategies for Keeping PI’s on Track Auburn University Amy Thomas (COSAM) and Jennifer Morris (Physics)
Gloom, despair, and agony on me Not knowing what to do Not knowing who to talk to Not knowing the procedures Frustration with the red tape Frustration with the redundancy Frustration with changing procedures Time Lines being almost missed Department/ College/Sponsor Level Training (CITI, Etc.)
Departmental level AU Fact Sheet & Budget Templates (https://cws.auburn.edu/OVPR/pm/forms) Budget Justification Template PI Planning Meetings AU NSF Conflict of Interest Form E-Cover Form New Faculty Training (With College Level) Web Tools
College Level COSAM Administrators Network Spirit Shared Drive (Web Tools) Cross Training PI Management and Assistance Tracking (Web Tools) Intervention New Faculty Training (with Departmental Level)
Central Level https://cws.auburn.edu/ovpr/pm/forms Education/Knowledge Building OSP Website (OSP Budget Template) Electronic Systems (AU) Commercialization and Technology Transfer IACUC/IRB Contracts and Grants Accounting (Effort Certification, Billing) Purchasing and Business Office (Invoices, Purchase Orders)