Warwick Bailey, Director Icodeon Ltd Cambridge, UK
Icodeon Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player The Player web applications enable vendors of e-learning systems to rapidly add the full feature set of e-learning standards.
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras (Easy) …(Expert)
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras (Easy) …(Expert)
Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? Import cartridge Embed cartridge link Make cartridge with HTML web content + web link + discussion (text only) + discussion (HTML, images) + discussion (HTML, images, attachments) + roles (teacher/learner) + authorization + QTI (text) + QTI (HTML, images) + Learning Tools Interoperability
Import Cartridge Step 1: You need a cartridge zip file. If you do not want to build your own cartridge, you can download one from Learning Space (
Import Cartridge Step 2: Upload the cartridge to Icodeon Common Cartridge Platform (
Import Cartridge Step 3: Like You Tube…
Import Cartridge Step 4: Add URL or Embed tags to blog, wiki, HTML page etc
Import Cartridge Step 5: Launch Common Cartridge Player
Import Cartridge Summary Step 1: Get cartridge Step 2: Upload Step 3: Like You Tube… Step 4: Add URL or embed tags to blog etc Step 5: Launch Player
Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? Import cartridge Embed cartridge link Make cartridge with HTML web content + web link + discussion (text only) + discussion (HTML, images) + discussion (HTML, images, attachments) + roles (teacher/learner) + authorization + QTI (text) + QTI (HTML, images) + Learning Tools Interoperability
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras
What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras 1.You will need address and Icodeon Customer Support password. Requests to 2.You need to generate an API key at 3.Upload cartridges at
What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras
… Icodeon extras… … additional features with Icodeon Common Cartridge Platform that may not be provided by other CC Players…
Icodeon Common Cartridge Platform and Player CC Platform CC Player HTTP The Icodeon Common Cartridge Player is one of many possible front end user interfaces to the Icodeon Common Cartridge Platform
Free the Content: Example 1 QTI Assessment in a Common Cartridge QTI Assessment: - an ordered sequence of different question types with feedback and scoring
Icodeon Common Cartridge Web Services Platform Apps, Blogs, Wikis, Widgets, Feeds. Mash-Ups… + LMS ?
Icodeon Common Cartridge Web Services Platform Platform URL Language Platform URL Language enables simple HTTP requests to be made to the web services platform:
URL Language: Example 1 Thumbnail Views of Cartridge Content
URL Language: Example 2 QTI Assessment
URL Language: Example 3 Cartridge Content Menus (.xml)
Icodeon Common Cartridge Web Services Platform Apps, Blogs, Wikis, Widgets, Feeds. Mash-Ups… + LMS ?
Icodeon Common Cartridge Platform Icodeon Ltd, Cambridge, UK