EFF in the financial perspectives European Commission DG MARE


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Presentation transcript:

EFF in the financial perspectives 2014 - 2020 European Commission DG MARE

Financial Negotiations 2014-2020 Start February 2011; The government deficit in EU is set to increase to 7,5% of GDP by 2010 (2,25% in 2008) while public debt to 80%. PT, ES, IT and GR suffer the most; however, Italy has a deficit comparable to Germany's; Portugal and Spain to France's; and Greece stands between the UK (10%) and Ireland's (15%) deficits. This will have impact on the overall EU budget and might increase pressure on the reduction of support to the fisheries sector.

Europe 2020 – New economic strategy for Europe Three key objectives: Smart growth (developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation); Sustainable growth – more resource efficient, greener and competitive economy; Inclusive growth (fostering social and territorial cohesion).

Europe 2020 Flagship initiatives Innovation Union – “to strengthen and develop the role of EU instruments to support innovation, including through facilitated access to funding” Resource efficient Europe – “to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies”.

Europa 2020 Social and territorial cohesion: “the discussion should not only be about levels of funding, but also about how different funding instruments (…) need to be devised to achieve the Europe 2020 goals” “to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing EU budget through stronger prioritization and better alignment of EU expenditure with the goals of Europe 2020”. “to design new financial instruments, in particular in co-operation with EIB/EIF and the private sector, responding to hitherto unfulfilled needs by businesses”

Relation to CFP reform Closer alignment with new CFP objectives. More conditionality and stronger focus on priorities Eligibility criteria; Cross-compliance; Differentiated co-financing rates and aid intensities; Performance reserve; link to the attainment of objectively verifiable targets measuring progress in achieving CFP goals. Impact of the reform? New challenges? Energy and climate change?

Smart Green Fisheries Innovation in aquaculture Long cycle between start of operations and the time fish reach marketable sizes. Young sector with no more than 20 years, which requires new "smart and green" technologies (biochemistry for vaccines, genetic engineering for adapting new species to cultivation, environmental constraints, reduction of organic waste or impact in the coastal environment) for its sustainable development. dependent on a relatively large initial investment that has an important component of technological and research expenditure.