Madolin .P, Brenna .C, & Hannah .W Alaska Madolin .P, Brenna .C, & Hannah .W
Capital City, Major Cities, Region Capital City: Juneau Major Cities: Anchorage, Bethel, Barrow, Region: West
Population, Nickname Population: 698,473 people Nickname: The Midnight Sun
State Flag, State Bird, State Tree State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan State Tree: Sitka Spruce
Mountains, Rivers, lakes, Plains Rocky Mountains Arctic Coastal Plain Clark Lake
History Alaska entered the Union in 1959. More then 80% of all volcanoes in the U.S. are found in Alaska.
Economy, Industries, Jobs, Products Relies heavily on government activities
Popular Attractions, Sport Teams Alaska museum of natural history Alaska Zoo Alaska Sea wolf school Hockey sport team Alaska Sea wolf school volley ball sport team
Famous people, collage and university Rosy Fletcher, Olympic skier Tommy Moe, Olympic skier Strayer University Devry University
Resources Used Culture grams World book 50 States