Thermally Bonded (Melt Blown) Polypropylene Filter Cartridges Water Tech Thermally Bonded (Melt Blown) Polypropylene Filter Cartridges
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Advantages vs. String Wound: Higher Capacity Graded Density No Surface Blinding Less Fouling No Fiber Unloading No Chemical Leaching Higher Flow Rate Low Pressure Drop Superior Structure Cost Effective Sedifilt filters are made of polypropylene, a recognized environmentally safe and recyclable material for purity and ease of disposal. Polypropylene incinerates to trace ash with no hazardous volatiles for environmentally friendly disposal.
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Higher Capacity: Graded Density Denser inner layers, more lower density outer layers. No Surface Blinding Particles trapped throughout cross-section of filter.
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Less Fouling: No Fiber Unloading Made of continuous melt-blown filaments. No fibers migrate to RO. No Chemical Leaching No chemicals used in melt blown process. No downstream foam in filtrate. Higher Dirt Holding Capacity 5 micron 10” (Example) Dirt Holding Capacity Typical String Wound 30-55 gm Water Tech Thermally Bonded 108 gm
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Higher Flow Rate: Low Pressure Drop Three-dimensional, rigid, low pressure structure. Improved solid to void ratio for higher flow rates with low pressure drop. Superior Structure 100% pure polypropylene homo-polymer Polypropylene core Wide chemical compatibility. Excellent micro-organism resistance. Excellent end sealing. Easy disposal, incinerates to trace ash.
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Performance Data: Test Method: Retention Efficiency and Capacity per ASTM F795 Instrumentation: LD 400 SN 95020054 Fluid: Water Temperature: Ambient Contaminant: ISO Fine Test Dust Test Method: Water at ambient temperature (25 °C.) Flow in US gallons per minute Test Method: Efficiency and Capacity per ASTM F795-88 Instrumentation: LD 400 SN 95020054 Fluid: Water Temperature: Ambient Contaminant: ISO Fine Test Dust
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Cost Effective: Less RO fouling Less labor requirement Less equipment downtime
Water Tech Thermally Bonded Filter Cartridges Applications: RO Pretreatment (SDI Reduction) Drinking Water and Beverage Processing Sea Water Desalination Deep Well Injection Gas Purification Cooling Tower Water Filtration Electronics and Electroplating Industrial Process Water Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Chemical Industry ED Automotive Paint Photographic Solutions Wastewater Disposal And more …
Conventional String Wound Filter Cartridges Problems with Conventional String Wound Media: Fiber Unloading Short fibers not properly or fully locked into main body. Fibers come loose and migrate to RO or filtrate. Loose fiber ends clearly seen in spiral wound yarn media. Chemical Leaching String Wound yarn finish chemicals (lubricants, surfactants, antistatic agents, emulsifiers, bactericides, etc.) leach out. Can cause foaming in filtrate. Surface Blinding Low Dirt Holding Capacity Typically Higher Pressure Drop String Wound Yarn Media