Understanding the Breede Water Management Area
The Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Area
BACKGROUND TO THE BREEDE-GOURITZ CMA The BOCMA was established in terms of the NWA in July 2005. Representative Board was appointed in September 2007. Initial Functions in terms of section 80 of the NWA. Additional functions delegated by the Minister on 17/12/2010. Establishment of the Breede-Gouritz was gazetted on the 23 May 2014, Government Gazette Notice No. 37677.
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREAS Water resources planning Water use management Institutional engagement Water allocation reform Resource protection Information systems Strategic support (Finance & Human Resources) Management & Governance
CURRENT EMPLOYMENT EQUITY POSITION BF BM CF CM IF IM WF WM TOTAL CEO 1 CFO Snr Manager WR IT Manager PA to CEO HR Specialist HR Admin Finance Manager Finance Officer Finance Admin Admin Officer Data Manager ISR Manager Water Liaison Officer X3 2 Snr Data Capturer Data Capturer X2 Water Data (GIS) Water Use Specialist X2 Water Use Officer X4 3 Licensing Clerk Receptionist Cleaner 10 4 5 29
WATER RESOURCE PLANNING: Processes 328 Land use planning and rezoning applications assessed and commented on, exceeding target of 140 by 234% Engage with All 8 Local Authorities on water use planning Water Quality Objectives report has been compiled Draft Salinity Management Plan has been compiled Reviewed the Langeberg and Breede Valley Municipality’s Infrastructure report on drinking water infrastructure and future water resource needs for the Blue Drop programme
WATER USE MANAGEMENT: Water use registrations, license applications and the V&V process 784 Water Users Registered on WARMS, 30% higher than target Water use license applications 16 Water Use License applications, 9 had adequate information and were processed for Recommendation 16 General Authorizations for water use Applications confirmed Water Use compliance (WULA / GA conditions) 45 compliance visits conducted. Inspections on water users with valid permits were carried out Validation & Verification of Water Use in selected Priority Areas Validation of the BOCMA area done 600 verification letters were sent to water users and reaching the target
Marketing and communication INSTITUTIONAL ENGAGEMENT: Contribution to improved intergovernmental relations and capacity building Marketing and communication 20 Marketing materials developed Over 4628 people reached through Land Care camps and youth awareness days Website maintained 100% Forums established and Maintained 36 Water Forums which includes the Masazane Women’s Water Forum, National Institute of the deaf, WUAs and Irrigation Boards were supported Regulate Water Management Institutions 100% new WUA proposals processed Irrigation Boards transformed into WUA Support 20 WUA with business plan development Assess and monitor 20 WUA business plans
Institutional Cooperation INSTITUTIONAL ENGAGEMENT: Institutional Cooperation Institutional Cooperation 100% Strategic International Partnerships Maintained Continued support for the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and University of Western Cape on Water Research funded projects Participated in 26 Inter-governmental forums
WATER ALLOCATION REFORM: Resource Poor Farmers / Historically Disadvantaged Individuals Support and facilitation for resource-poor farmers Assisted with 79 water use enquiries with Water Allocation Reform 80 individuals received Rain Harvesting tanks through the DWS Resource Poor Farmers financial assistance policy Launch of the BOCMA Water Transformation Conference for Resource Poor Farmers 100% Support Department Rural Development with water use applications.
RESOURCE PROTECTION: Quality monitoring, Riparian Integrity Resource Protected Water Quality reports were drafted for the Breede River and Estuary monitoring projects Alien clearing and River Rehabilitation programmes still continue in the Upper and Central Breede River BGCMA assisted DWS with enforcement cases thorough initial investigations and confirmations of illegal activities 19 Sample runs were done on behalf of DWS for the NEMP and NMMP Pollution and Pollution incidents managed and acted on effectively
STRATEGIC SUPPORT: Human Resources OUTPUTS Outcomes Performance Measures 2013/2014 Results Comments Human Resources Policies developed 2 2 (achieved) Organisational Strengthening Policies Reviewed 2 (achieved) Human Resources Development Strategy developed 1 1 (achieved) Number of Personnel Recruited 4 4 (achieved) Organisational Development Performance Management Reports 29 29 (achieved) Number of signed evaluations for all staff Organisational strengthening Number of Leave Up-date reports 12 12 (achieved) Management control & monitoring Number of Labour issues managed Nil Employee Relations
PERFORMANCE INFORMATION: WATER RESOURCE PLANNING OUTPUTS OUTCOMES PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) 2013/2014 Results Comments 1.1 Catchment Management Strategy CMS documentation Approved Gazetted CMS In process as there was a change in the Water Management Area. 1.2 Water Resource Planning Processes Number of land use planning and rezoning applications commented on Number of Engagements with Local Authorities Water Quality Objective Reports Salinity Management Plan Infrastructure Status quo report Onrus Surface – Groundwater interaction study 140 7 Lower Breede River Draft Plan Status Quo Report Collaboration of monitoring data 328 8 Lower Breede River Quality objectives report drafted Salinity Management Plan drafted Status Quo Report drafted Onrus Surface Groundwater interaction study report drafted Langeberg and Breede Valley Municipal Area studies reports
PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) Water Use Management OUTPUTS OUTCOMES / ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) 2013/2014 Results Comments 2.1 Registered waste use Number of water users registered 600 784 2.2 Processed Water Use Applications Number of “Record of Recommendations” to DWA Number of General Authorisation confirmed 16 20 9 16 Water Use License Application were assessed of which only 9 received sufficient information to enable presentation to DWA 2.3 Water Use complied with Water use License / General Authorisation conditions Number of Audit for water use compliance reports 40 45 2.4 Water Users validation and verified in selected priority catchments. Number of letters to apply for the verification of water use. Achieved
PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) Institutional Engagement OUTPUTS OUTCOMES / ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) 2013/2014 Results Comments 3.1 The BOCMA activities marketed and communicated to stakeholders 3.2 HDI financial support in water related projects Number of newsletters Number of persons reached during water campaigns (water week, land care, etc.) Number of marketing aids developed Website maintained Number of HDI projects supported in water related projects 4 1600 8 10 4628 Achieved Achieved. 5 Land care camps, awareness days, water week Website updated as needed A number of applications were received but not all proposals were in line with Grant Policy and could not be financed
INSTITUTIONAL ENGAGEMENTS: CONT….. 3.2 Forums Established and maintained 3.3 Water management institutions regulated Number of forum meetings Number of new WUA proposals processed Number of IB transformed Number of WUA supported with development of Business plans Number of WUA business plans assessed 14 2 3 4 36 0 No proposals / applications received The pro-forma business plan was not approved and could not be implemented. 3.4 Institutional cooperation Number of new partnerships established Number of international partnerships established and maintained Number of Intergovernmental forums attended 2 1 8 26 CPUT, UWC World WaterNet, Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, WARMA(Zambia)
PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) WATER ALLOCATION REFORM OUTPUTS OUTCOMES / ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) 2013/2014 Results Comments 4.1 Resource Poor Farmers (RPF) / Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) supported Number of RPF / HDI assisted with water use Number of RPF / HDI assisted with financial applications for Government subsidies Number of planned RPF awareness campaigns held Number of DRDLR projects supported 30 1 8 79 97 2 The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform changed their strategy of acquiring land and moved out of the immediate area of the BOCMA area. Only 2 requests for assistance were received.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) RESOURCE PROTECTION OUTPUTS OUTCOMES / ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE MEASURES (KPIs) 2013/2014 Results Comments 5.1 Resources are protected Water Quality reports of monitoring projects Number of Water Quality sample runs for DWA (NEMP / NMMP) Imagery and reports on Alien Clearing areas Imagery and reports on Riparian habitat Riparian / Alien clearing projects Riparian protection public awareness campaigns Documentation on pollution incidents Number of warning letters/directives issued 4 16 1 3 20 19 5 Upper Breede, Central Breede, Breede project Upper Breede initial project Upper Breede follow up, Central Breede (Papenkuils wetland), Breede initial project, Elim BOCMA assists DWA with CME cases through initial investigation and confirmation of illegal activities. DWA as regulator is responsible for issuance of directives.
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FINANCIAL REPORT ITEMS 2012/13 2013/14 Revenue 19 000 000 23 625 000 Other Income 22 111 34 210 Operating expenditure (23 453 738 (26 268 423) Operating Surpluses/deficit (4 431 627) (2 609 213) Interest received 376 914 322 683 Gain on insurance proceeds 25 004 7 239 Deficit for the year (4 029 709) (2 279 291)
OVERVIEW OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: ITEMS 2012/13 2013/14 Audited % OVERVIEW OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: ITEMS 2012/13 2013/14 Audited % EMPLOYEE COSTS 10 878 599 13 141 603 50.00% TOTAL GOODS AND SERVICES 11 794 720 12 543 837 47.70% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 412 485 257 640 0.98% TOTAL BOARD RELATED COSTS 412 933 328 493 1.25% GRAND TOTAL 23 453 737 26 271 573 100%
DETAILED ACTUAL EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2013/14: ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES THE BREEDE OVERBERG CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Audited Outcomes 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 R’000 Advertising 232 99 234 General Expenses 641 1 892 2 406 Computer expenses 859 222 475 Consultant & professional fees 661 34 425 CMS development/ water resource management 3 328 6 530 6 302 Salaries , allowances and benefits 7 871 10 878 13 141 Stipend - board members 398 412 328 Travel & accommodation 1 177 1 538 Recruitment costs 13 282 223 Hiring & rentals 769 686 795 Motor vehicle expense 198 82 96 Repairs & maintenance 14 20 25 Training fees 265 276 280 Total Expenditure -15 910 -23 453 -26 268
DETAILED ACTUAL EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2013/14: CONT….. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Audited Outcomes Revenue 18 093 19 000 23 625 Other Income 416 424 364 Less : Operating expenses -15 910 -23 453 -26 268 Less : Finance costs Operating surplus 2 183 -4 029 -2 279 Capital Expenditure (Included in Total Expenditure) 253 412 257
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