Item 5.3 Grants for learning mobility statistics Eurostat-F5 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 5.3: Grants for learning mobility statistics Point for information and possible questions/comments Financial support of EC for actions aiming at development of statistics on learning mobility (following the request from the Council) – 1.500.000€: grants for action in two work-packages: work-package 1: improvement of statistical capacity to collect data on learning mobility in higher education work-package 2: 2014 pilot data collection on IVET mobility and youth learning mobility in general (see ESS agreement from November 2012) Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 Action to be granted: Work-package 1: Improvement of statistical capacity to collect the data on learning mobility in higher education: Development of method to collect data on graduates who have had credit mobility If possible, pilot data collection on credit mobility by 2015 Work-package 2: 2014 pilot data collection on learning mobility via national household survey Results: dataset on variables foreseen by the ESS agreement + quality reports According to the ESS agreement – two options for data collection: only on IVET mobility (2 variables) or on youth general learning mobility (at least 5 variables). Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 3
Applications - which possibilities? Countries can opt for: only one work-package (except if option 1 of the ESS agreement) for two work-packages ↓ via multi-beneficiary grant or mono-beneficiary grant but with affiliated entities (legal or capital link) to be checked at national level: if the co-partner or affiliated entity is on the list of eligible applicants (if not: inform Eurostat, procedure of putting it on the list will be launched) Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 Calendar Lunching invitation for proposals: mid-June 2013 Deadline for replies: beginning of August 2013 Start of the action: 4th quarter 2013 End of the action: 31st May 2015 ↓ Report to the Council needed in the 4 quarter 2015 Because of the holidays period: 1st discussion at national level needed soon (before summer if possible) Contact suggested with financial cell of the NSI Information in Eurostat: please contact Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013