I Am What I… Exploring identity through objects Self Portrait I Am What I… Exploring identity through objects
What is a self portrait?
What would you think about this person?
What about this person?
…this person?
This old guy?
These two artists?
Examples: skateboarding, guitar, extreme sports, weird, odd, different, special abilities What are your hobbies?
Examples: tattoos, types of music, being in the spotlight, blending in with the crowd, being remembered What do you like?
Being remembered, making a mistake, having nothing to say What do you not like?
Making friends, making a statement, making a difference, blending in with the crowd, art, math, a specific sport What are you good at?
What are you not so good at? Talking in public, taking tests, feeling totally secure, going unnoticed What are you not so good at?
Think about it…how do you want to represent “YOU?” Are you… what you eat? Love? Own? Feel? See?
Rough draft in sketchbook Type of portrait: silhouette, drawing, etc Images you will include Decide at least 2 media…paint? Colored pencils? Charcoal? Oil pastels? Chalks? Rough draft in sketchbook
Final artwork requirements 18x12 (LARGE PAPER) Minimum 2 media You may use magazine cut-outs, but limit them. Check with me before gluing them on! Check the rubric You need to write an artist’s statement. Final artwork requirements