Campfire News Around the Campfire Week of February 4-8 Camp Spanish Phrase of the Week is: Integridad (integrity) Inquiry into Math: This week, we will be adding two-digit numbers by other one-digit numbers and multiples of ten. Inquiry into Literacy: This week we will be celebrating our own uniqueness, while reading, A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon. We will spend a good bit of time examining character traits along with text-evidence to support. Letterland Unit 17: Children learn Magic e words with Mr. I and Mr. O. They learn that Magic ing can take the place of Magic e in words such as closing and riding. The digraph wr is introduced in the words write and writing. (Example: bike, rope, and writing). Writer’s Workshop: We will write about our own personal connections to our story, A Bad Case of Stripes. Inquiry into Science: We will continue our next big unit of study, where we will explore Forces and Motion. Inquiry into Social Studies: We will continue our Geography unit. We will take a look at the basic elements of geographic representations using maps (cardinal directions and map symbols). Week of February 4-8 Camp First Grade Email: Phone: (704) 439-4077 Around the Campfire The PTO NEEDS YOU Our PTO does a lot of wonderful work to help make CCIB the amazing place that it is! They would love to have more people to help support their efforts and participate! Come and learn more about how you can get involved. Their next meeting is Thursday, February 7 At 7:30. The PTO sponsored Sweetheart Dance is coming up on Friday, February 8. Be on the lookout for sign-ups to help if you are able to! PYP Corner Our Current Unit of Study: How We Express Ourselves Central Idea: Expression of Culture grows our appreciation of others Lines of Inquiry: Beliefs and values that define a community/Features and characteristics of celebrations/Relationships between celebration and culture Learner Profile: Principled Attitude: Integrity Let’s Take Action: Mark your calendars!!! February 20th is our next Charity Day. Students are encouraged to pay $1 to dress like a superhero! All money collected will go to support Autism research! Upcoming Dates Feb. 7: PTO Parent Meeting 7:30am Feb. 8: Spirit Day-CCIB Shirt Day/Sweetheart Dance Feb. 13: Math Fair Feb. 15: Spirit Day-Favorite Sports Jersey Day Feb. 20: Support Autism-Pay $1 to Dress Like a Superhero Feb. 22: Box-Top Collection/ CCIB Shirt Day Created by Teaching Kids 1st