Outline 1. Introduction 2. Classification of imperfections 3. Effects of imperfections on properties
Introduction • The "right" atoms in "wrong" places. • "Wrong" atoms in "right" or "wrong" places. • Missing atoms.
Crystal Defects Volume Defects Surface Defects Line Defects Point Defects
Substitutional impurity Point Defects Vacancy Substitutional impurity Self-Interstitials Interstitial Impurity Frenkel imperfection Schottky imperfection
Vacancy: Tensile Stress Fields ?
vacant atomic sites in a structure Vacancy distortion of planes
Substitutional Impurity: Compressive stress fields Tensile Stress Fields
Point Defects in Metals Self-Interstitials: Self-interstitial distortion of planes
Interstitial Impurity Relative size Compressive Stress Fields
Frenkel imperfection vacancy + interstitial site
Schottky imperfection
Electronic Defects
Frenkel and Schottky defects
Line Defects Edge Dislocation Screw Dislocation
Burger Vector
Screw Dislocation Slip Planes Screw Dislocation Slip Direction
Screw Dislocation
Surface Defects or Interfacial defects
Surface or Interfacial Defects External Surface Grain boundaries Tilt boundary Twist boundary Twin boundary Stacking defects
External Surface
Grain Boundaries (or) Crystal Boundary
Tilt Boundaries
Twin Boundaries
Stacking Defect
Volume Defects Crakes Pores Voids Affects mechanical, electrical and optical properties.
Effect of crystal imperfections and their applications: They change mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of a material. Materials undergo elastic/plastic deformation. The deformation occurs due to the movement of dislocations. Any other defect in crystal disrupts the motion of dislocation. It makes plastic deformation more difficult. Fatigue: Weakening of material, when it is subjected to stress repeatedly.