Cell Wall Plant Cells Only A rigid wall that surrounds the cell outside its cell membrane.
Gate Outside School
Cell Membrane Plant AND Animal Cells Flexible covering that surrounds cell. Protects cell and is selectively permeable
Security guards
Cytoplasm Plant AND Animal Cells Thick watery fluid in cell Suspends cell structures
Chloroplasts ONLY Plant cells Converts light, water, and carbon dioxide into food (sugar).
Golgi Body and Vesicles Plant AND Animal Cells Golgi makes, stores, sorts and shifts molecules Vesicles transport objects through cytoplasm.
Office and Service Students
Endoplasmic Reticulum Plant AND Animal Cells Smooth: makes lipids and gets rid of chemicals and poisons Rough - Makes and modifies proteins
Ribosomes Plant AND Animal Cells Build proteins Found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Office Workers
Nucleus Plant AND Animal Cells Contains genetic material (chemical code for making molecules of cell)
Principal’s Office
Mitochondria Plant AND Animal Cells Converts food into energy. More mitochondria when cells (like muscle cells) need more energy.
P.E. Area
Lysosome Animal Cells ONLY Digests food with enzymes
Central Vacuole ONLY Plant cells Stores water and plant substances
Storage Room