About voting When in doubt- vote to keep the status quo.
Bill Proposed law presented to the House or Senate Healthcare or your plan text All revenue bills MUST originate in House
Resolution Does not have force of law, does not require presidents signature Do not go to other House We need to help Native Americans and what we have done to them is horrible. 07 Armenian Genocide Resolution Goldstone Resolution Calling to form an international program to fight peak oil
Concurrent Resolution Must act together Doesn’t have force of law No president signature States a position on some matter dealing with foreign policy
Joint Resolution Both houses pass a resolution Has the force of law when passed President doesn’t sign Constitutional Amendment proposal
Rider- Provision that is not likely to pass on its own but attached to something else that is certain to pass. “Christmas Tree Bill” Ex- On-line gambling Many pet projects Horse slaughter Bill
How a Bill becomes Law 1 Read by the clerk & assigned to committee Chairmen decides when it will be debated and leads the debate
Options for Committee Pigeon Hole- sit on the bill and let it die on its own. Report Favorably- Pass this bill Amend the bill- Change it and then send on to House/Senate Report Unfavorably- Sends it out of committee but says don’t pass it Done w/controversial bills or as favor 5. Submit own bill
Out of Committee Assigned date for floor debate Quorum- majority of membership Debate occurs House gets 1 hour per person Speaker is task master Vote happens Passes goes to Senate Fails Dead Referred back to committee (rarely)
In the Senate Same process BUT has a few differences In the Debate.
Debate on Senate Floor Debate is unlimited no voting everyone is done talking Can talk about whatever They have to stand and speak respectively (No slouching) Filibuster- attempt to talk a bill to death. Used by the minority party Ted Cruz Stackhouse
Cloture Rules Limiting debate that once invoked only 30 more hrs and then vote 60 Senators to vote for it. Hesitant to use: Tradition to free debate Worry that they will need it some day…
If fails 2nd Chamber Dead Conference committee where leaders of both chambers work towards a compromise
If passes both Chambers Goes to President 4 options 1. Sign it 2. Veto it Back to original chamber- can override w/a 2/3 vote of both houses. 3. Don’t sign and within 10 days becomes law 4. Pocket Veto- if session adjourns under ten days if president doesn’t act it dies