AS Community of Enquiry Aristotle Part (b)
The Aim of Our Enquiry To assist you in writing your part (b) answers Enable you to engage with Aristotle critically Attempt to assess a hypothesis critically (does the answer I have chosen make sense?)
Community of Enquiry You need to come up with some hypotheses to answer the question posed. You must have the community mascot in your hand to speak. Throughout you will need to indicate whether an idea presented is a ‘good criticism’ or decide whether it ‘criticises the criticism’ (has the person assessed a previous idea?)
What are some other possible hypotheses? Creating a hypothesis You must come up with a hypothesis (a prediction) for an answer to the ‘Community of Enquiry’ question. You must then test this hypothesis/prediction against the evidence that you are discussing. IF YOU FIND EVIDENCE THAT DISPROVES YOUR HYPOTHESIS THEN YOU MUST CHANGE IT! What are some other possible hypotheses?
‘Aristotle’s theory of the Four causes is unconvincing.’ Discuss.
You MUST say why you feel this way! Attack of the Blob Look at the BLOBS on the following sheet and decide which one best suits the way that you feel after today’s lesson. You MUST say why you feel this way!
You MUST say why you feel this way! 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 13 12 16 15 14 11 21 20 19 18 17 Which BLOB best suits the way that you feel after today’s lesson? You MUST say why you feel this way!