Study of Hb`b, c`c and gg in the `H channel Jianping Dai (SJTU)
Physics Motivation To measure the BR of Higgs decay to b, c and gluon in the process of ee−ZH at 250GeV;
MC Samples and Cross Sections The samples are from the full simulation (CEPC-V1);
Flavor tagging
ILC: 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2; Missing mass of di-jet ILC: 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2;
ILC: 20<PT<70 GeV/c;
PL ILC: |PL|<60 GeV/c;
ILC: Pmax(Trk)<30 GeV/c;
NChaTrk ILC: NChaTrk>10;
Y23 ILC: Y23<0.02;
Y12 ILC: 0.2<Y12<0.8;
ILC: 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2; Invariant mass of di-jet ILC: 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2;
Cut Flows Signal `qq lqq Total Events 167676 757630 1211890 80<Mmiss<140 GeV/c2 149623/0.892 525499/0.694 369630/0.305 20<PT<70 GeV/c 135723/0.907 373849/0.711 260245/0.704 |PL|<60 GeV/c 133962/0.987 231522/0.619 211946/0.814 Pmax(Trk)<30 GeV/c 123731/0.924 190659/0.824 92218/0.435 NChaTrk>10 123324/0.997 183583/0.963 88093/0.955 Y23<0.02 89651/0.727 143147/0.780 19469/0.221 0.2<Y12<0.8 34967/0.390 88545/0.619 15648/0.804 100<Mgg<130 GeV/c2 30800/0.881 8123/0.0917 5816/0.372 0.1837 0.01072 0.004799 The events efficiencies are estimated after the reconstruction of jets but before the Flavor-Tagging;