On a blank sheet of paper: Bellwork: On a blank sheet of paper: Write your essential question. Include a brief description of your Human Rights topic. Learning Goal: Identify the role Biology plays in human rights violations.
What role does Biology play in protecting our human rights? Solve Prevent Monitor
Equal Access From providing education to treating disease, scientists have a role in protecting human rights around the world. Shown here are children at a refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights The Crisis At-a-Glance People who died as a result of the conflict Over 300,000 People displaced from Darfur: Over 2 million People displaced from Darfur into Chad: 265,000 Displaced Chadians: 160,000 TOTAL at risk: Several million Before and after the devastation in Darfur rebel forces, later called the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), attacked the Sudanese government's air base in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur state. Rapidly gather, analyze, and share information, especially during times of crisis.
Newly released satellite images visualize the devastating impact of the 2008 oil spills in Bodo, Nigeria, part of a pattern of destruction by oil companies in the region. Two major oil spills gushed for weeks before they were stopped. They have devastated the lives of tens of thousands of people, destroying livelihoods, undermining access to food and clean water and putting health at risk. Oil companies spill more oil into the Niger Delta each year than was spilled as a result of the Deepwater Horizon disaster that devastated the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Amnesty International and the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) released a new report, which demands that Shell oil pay $1 billion to begin to clean up the pollution. Shell, which recently reported profits of $7.2 billion for July-September, initially offered the Bodo community just 50 bags of rice, beans, sugar and tomatoes as relief for the disaster.
Quality Water Scientists can also point out research-based solutions to problems such as water shortages.
Clear and Specific Connections Living conditions at these “camps” support spread of disease and starvation Using children as soldiers to fight a war. Impact of Chronic Stress on the brain Domestic Violence Anywhere Women's Rights Psychological factors that keep the cycle of abuse alive.
Clear and Specific Connections Topic Clear Connection Child Soldiers Conditions Child Trafficking Spread of Disease Racial Discrimination Emotional Physical Stress Starvation Emotional Physical impact on Body Dream Act Chronic Stress
Inside Homeostasis When a danger passes, your brain releases a different mob of biochemicals throughout your body. Attempting to balance, your brain seeks "homeostasis," metabolic equilibrium between the stimulating and the tranquilizing chemical forces in your body. If either of these chemical forces dominates the other without relief, then you will experience an on-going state of internal imbalance. This condition is known as stress. And it can have serious consequences for your brain cells.