ECG Dr. Sara Al Abdulhadi
Approach Regular: 300/ #of large squares between QRS complex Irregular: # of QRS multiplied by 10 (6 sec strip) Rate Regular Vs. irregular Sinus? P wave followed by QRS Uniform shape Rhythm Abnormalities Approach
P wave < 3 small squares PR <= 1 large square QRS 1-3 small squares QT around 2 large squares
Exam rhythms
Anterio-lateral ST segment elevation Depression in lead 1
Every p wave followed by QRS, normal width QRS Sinus Tachycardia
Narrow QRS, no P wave SVT
Irregularly irregular Atrial Fibrillation
Saw tooth pattern Atrial Flutter
Premature Ventricular complex
Ventricular tachycardia Regular, no p wave Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular Fibrillation
Left Bundle Branch Block
Right Bundle Branch Block
Sinus Bradycardia 50 pbm
Prolonged pr interval– hr around 50 1st degree heart block
Pr gets longer then makoo Mobitz type I
Mobitz type II Pr normal but sme p waves have no QRS
3rd Degree Heart Block
Wolff-Parkinson- White Syndrome