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Presentation transcript:

Performance Assessment Development: Filling Out a Inventory Spreadsheet Jennifer Mastrianni EDU 607: Assessing and Managing Learning Dr. Susan Shaw

“Like everyone, students want to feel that they are “known”—that others understand them, appreciate them, and recognize their unique qualities, skills, interests, needs, and personalities. Teachers who understand this and consciously find ways to demonstrate that they are interested in students will build a stronger foundation for effective classroom management and learning,” (Marzano, et al., 2005, p. 59). This is the idea behind student-centered learning. Educators use the students (their interests, learning styles, etc.) to help design a curriculum that will appeal to all in the classroom and foster creative but knowledgeable understanding of topics. I have picked the area of mathematics to concentrate on for my learning targets. My students are learning to use math in a variety of real-life scenarios: measurement tools for cooking lessons, calculators or cash registers to solve money equations, spreadsheets for keeping track of data, manipulatives for learning the value of money and using it to purchase items, or to take and give change to a customer. The standard to be assessed is: CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically. The tool to be utilized for this lesson is an inventory spreadsheet (CCSS, n.d.).

Student-friendly statements The idea of this project is to select and deconstruct a standard that we currently teach, re-structure the language so it is student-friendly, and prepare an assessment tool by designing a rubric appropriate for the learning target. Allowing learning targets to be “student friendly descriptions… of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson,” (Moss & Brookhart, 2012, p. 9) will only help the students achieve mastery in a lesson. Deconstructed standards Student-friendly statements

Inventory Spreadsheet Muffins and More Inventory Spreadsheet

The student friendly template explains the task given to them in language that they can understand.

ASSESSMENTS Level two formative assessment, as described by Popham (2008), encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning; students are provided with assessment-based evidence in order to decide whether or on their learning tactics are working or should be re-adjusted. This is the key idea for student-centered learning—moving away from more traditional, teacher-led assessments to students defining their own learning and monitoring what works and what does not in the learning process. As said by Stiggins (2007), “teachers and students are partners in the assessment for learning process” (para. 8). When appropriate, the thoughts and actions of students when it comes to assessment results can be just as important as those of adults (Gibbons, n.d.). The student completing this performance task will use a task analysis checklist as a self-assessment. They will be in charge of this checklist by keeping track of the steps that they have completed. They will be allowed to ask any questions that they may have, or request assistance when needed. There is also a rubric that the job coach fills out and regularly reviews with the student. This describes the expectations and gives a score of independence that the student performs at.

Self-Assessment The student will complete this checklist as they work.

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The Five Keys to Quality Assessment
