1945 - 1991 When did the Cold War Take Place? The Cold War Look where appeasing Hitler got us. I’ll not appease Stalin.
Which one occurred in 1969? Timeline Events Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Invasion Vietnam War USA lands on Moon Détente Berlin Wall Goes Up Berlin Wall Comes Down Sputnik JFK Shot Soviet Union Collapses Korean War
United States vs. Soviet Union What two nations are rivals in the Cold War? United States vs. Soviet Union
What was the name of the Senator that began a Communist witch hunt? “While I can not take the time to name all …in the State Dept. who have been named…Communists and spies…I have a list of 205 known Communist allowed to work in the State Dept.” Senator Joseph McCarthy Witch Hunts
Espionage Who are these two? The Rosenberg's What were they convicted of? Espionage The Rosenberg's
Truman Doctrine What is the U.S. pledge to fight communism worldwide?
Soviets in Turkey and Greece Where did the Cold War heat up first? Soviet Union Turkey Greece What is the overall U.S. policy in the Cold War? Straits of Dardanelles Containment
Stable countries don’t fight. We don’t want them going Communist What was put in place to economically assist Europe? Why give them money? U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall Stable countries don’t fight. We don’t want them going Communist Marshall Plan
Who is this? 2
What is this object? Sputnik Who launched it? Soviet Union What did this mean for America? What year? 1957 Not winning the Cold War / Space Race
How many divisions in Germany after WWII? 8 total / 2 Blocs – Communism vs. Capitalism
The Berlin Airlift What did the Soviet Union do to Berlin after WWII? Blockade What did the U.S. do to end the harm of the blockade? 2
NATO Warsaw What was the capitalist DEFENSE Alliance? What was the communist DEFENSE Alliance? Warsaw 2
What does the black line represent according to Winston Churchill? Iron Curtain
Berlin Wall What was built in 1961 to divide Communism and Capitalism in Germany’s capital? West = Democracy and capitalism East = Dictatorship and Communism
China When did China go Communist? 1949 Who was the Communist leader? It’s Big When did China go Communist? 1949 Who was the Communist leader? MAO
Great Leap Forward Does it work? No; 55 million starved What is Mao’s plan to increase production? Does it work? No; 55 million starved
Where is Korea divided? 38th Parallel
Why worry with Korea? Containment Policy 2
We invaded China… Just a little bit Why do the Chinese flood into the fight to help North Korea? We invaded China… Just a little bit 2
What happened to MacArthur? Why fired? Who was the American General in charge in Korea? MacArthur What happened to MacArthur? Publicly criticized Truman Why fired? Fired! 2
Was the Korean War a declared war? No Do we consider the fight in Korea a success? Yes Why? We contained communism; fulfilled our goal 2
When was the Korean War fought? 1950 - 1953 2
Stalin’s strong successors Who’s this? Khrushchev Who’s this? Gorbachev
Leader during Cuba issues Perestroika / Glasnost What’s he famous for? Leader during Cuba issues Began talks with JFK What’s he famous for? Perestroika / Glasnost Ending the Cold War
Who did the U.S. send to try to take out Castro? Bay of Pigs What occurred in Cuba in 1961? Who did the U.S. send to try to take out Castro? 90 Miles Cuban Exiles
Bay of Pigs Invasion Who was president during this event? JFK Was the invasion successful? No; a failure
1962 What event occurred next in Cuba? What year? Was it a success? Cuban Missile Crisis What event occurred next in Cuba? What year? 1962 Was it a success? Yes
In the event of an a-bomb? “Duck and Cover” What were Americans Told to do In the event of an a-bomb? What does M.A.D. stand for? Mutual Assured Destruction http://www.archive.org/details/DuckandC1951
Détente What is the French Term used to describe the relaxation of tensions in the 1970s? Nixon also visits China during the World Ping Pong Tourny Red Telephone put in Oval Office as direct line to the Soviet Union – 1963
1980s Reagan’s Defense Idea Also called SDI Strategic Defense Initiative Called for deployment of weapons to intercept and destroy incoming missiles. Because of M.A.D. : Mutually Assured Destruction We’ll shoot their missiles down with lasers!
When did the Vietnam War Take Place? 1955 – 1975 All of the 1960s! When did the Vietnam War Take Place?
Why worry with them? Where is Vietnam?? Southeast Asia Containment Policy Domino Theory
Where did he go to get assistance in independence? Who was the leader of North Vietnam? Ho Chi Minh Where did he go to get assistance in independence? Soviet Union
originally help the Vietminh? Why does the U.S. originally help the Vietminh? Japan is a common enemy during WWII What nation comes back to recolonize after WWII? France
Where is Vietnam Divided? The 17th Parallel Diem Who is the leader of South Vietnam?
Vietcong = V.C. V.C. = Victor Charlie Why is Diem so hated? No Elections!!!???!! Why not hold elections? He knows he’d lose to Ho Chi Minh What is the communist fighting force called? Vietcong = V.C. V.C. = Victor Charlie
NATO Phonetic Alphabet
Who was president during much of Vietnam? Lyndon Johnson What was passed giving Johnson much military power? Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What was the mission in Vietnam? Search and Destroy What did we use to Search and Destroy? Napalm and Agent Orange
Tunnels / Ho Chi Minh Trail What did Vietcong use to complete a hidden war? Tunnels / Ho Chi Minh Trail
What is Vietnamese New Year called? Tet What happened on Jan 30, 1968? Massive attack by Charlie Why is Tet Offensive so important / pivotal? Americans saw on news / thought war should be over / got mad… more protest
Did the U.S. win the war in Vietnam? No Why? No containment Had to leave war; Vietcong took over What is the Vietnam Memorial shaped like? “v” / Scar
Protest; 4 students killed by National Guard. What happened at Kent State University? Protest; 4 students killed by National Guard.