P802.11z Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor Ballot July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 P802.11z Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor Ballot Authors: Name Affiliation Address Phone email Menzo Wentink Qualcomm Straatweg 66, Breukelen, the Netherlands +31 65 183 6231 mwentink@qualcomm.com Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054 +1 (321) 427-4098 bkraemer@marvell.com Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 Introduction This document contains the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee in support of a request for conditional approval to send IEEE P802.11z Draft 6.0 to Sponsor Ballot. The third recirculation ballot on TGz draft 6.0 (LB157) yielded no new Disapprove votes, and no new required comments associated with a Disapprove vote. The conditions for a clean recirc have been met. This document (11-09/879r0) was approved during the closing plenary session of the 802.11 working group on 25 Sep 2009. Passed in the Task Group yes , no , abstain Passed in the Working Group yes , no , abstain Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 5.0 4.0 6.0 Clause 10 added 2.0 3.0 1.0 Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
802.11 WG Letter Ballot Results – P802.11z July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Results – P802.11z Ballot ID Ballot Close Date Title Ballot Type Pool Return %Return Abstain %Abstain Approve Disapprove %Approve 139 18 Dec 2008 Technical Letter Ballot for TGz draft 3.0 Technical 254 225 89 41 18 155 29 84 143 5 March 2009 First Recirculation Ballot for TGz draft 4.0 Recirculation 230 91 37 16 170 23 88 153 23 June 2009 Second Recirculation Ballot for TGz draft 5.0 232 34 15 183 92 153.1 17 July 2009 After ballot comment resolution 35 189 8 96 157 26 Aug 2009 Second Recirculation Ballot for TGz draft 6.0 233 38 187 Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
802.11 WG Letter Ballot Comments – P802.11z July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 802.11 WG Letter Ballot Comments – P802.11z Ballot ID Ballot Close Date Title Ballot Type Number of Comments received 139 18 Dec 2008 Technical Letter Ballot for TGz Draft 3.0 Technical 518 (366 T, 152 E) 143 5 Mar 2009 Recirculation Letter Ballot for TGz Draft 4.0 Recirculation 160 (103 T, 57 E) 153 23 Jun 2009 Second Recirculation Ballot for TGz Draft 5.0 97 (77 T, 20 E) 157 26 Aug 2009 Third Recirculation Ballot for TGz Draft 5.0 27 (2 T, 25 E) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Unsatisfied comments by commenter July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 Unsatisfied comments by commenter Voter LB139 LB143 LB153 Total Matthew Fischer 1 Bill Marshall Darwin Engwer 4 Solomon Trainin Richard Roy 8 Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Unsatisfied Comments – Topics July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 Unsatisfied Comments – Topics Topic #Comments Terminology 4 Power Saving 1 Layering Addressing Editorial Total 8 Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Unsatisfied comments July 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 July 2009 Unsatisfied comments The composite of all unsatisfied comments and the resolutions approved by the comment resolution committee received during working group ballot may be found in the embedded document on the right: Double click on the icon to the right to open this. A copy of this same data presented using MyBallot access database report format is attached. Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
TGz Timeline Open Close Third recirculation (TGz draft 6.0) 24-Jul-09 July 2009 TGz Timeline Open Close Third recirculation (TGz draft 6.0) 24-Jul-09 8-Aug-09 Pool formation 15-Aug-09 29-Sep-09 First sponsor ballot 10-Oct-09 9-Nov-09 Second sponsor ballot 30-Nov-10 15-Dec-09 Third sponsor ballot 15-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 Fourth sponsor ballot 29-Apr-10 14-May-10 EC to RevCom Mar-10 (cond.) or Jul-10 RevCom to SB Jun-10 or Sep-10 Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm), Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)