Levels of Economic Activity
First a few terms Subsistence agriculture-consuming everything you produce to survive. Commerical agriculture-producing enough to sale for profit. Cottage industries: these are usually secondary activities that come from someone’s home.
Primary: Definition Harvest or extracting of natural resources
Primary: Example Hunting and gathering
Primary: Example Grazing
Primary: Example Agriculture
Primary: Example Mining
Primary: Example Fishing
Primary: Example Forestry
Primary: Locational Factors Close to natural resources
Secondary: Definition Add value to raw materials by making them useful Those that process, transform, fabricate, or assemble the raw materials derived from primary activities or that reassemble, refinish, or package manufactured goods
Secondary: Example Toothpick
Secondary: Example Fish Sticks
Secondary: Locational Factors Easy access to raw materials, energy sources and markets
Tertiary: Definition Provides services (don’t make anything) Those involving the sale and exchange of goods and services
Tertiary: Example Cell phone kiosk
Tertiary: Example Bank Teller
Tertiary: Example Starbucks
Tertiary: Locational Factors Close to markets
Quaternary: Definition Processing and dissemination of information Those concerned with information or the exchange of money and goods
Quaternary: Example Information processing
Quaternary: Example Computer Nerds
Quaternary: Locational Factors Good infrastructure and skilled labor
What is important to understand about this? Less developed countries depend on primary and secondary economic activities More developed countries have economies based on Tertiary, Quaternary and Quinary activities
Notice that over time the primary economic activities in more developed countries drastically decreases as those involved in tertiary economic activities increases. Secondary economic activities in LDC’s increased but later decreased. What is happening in LDC’s when the secondary activities begin to decrease in MDC’s? What is the trend/relationship you notice between what is occurring in the MDC’s and the LDC’s?