Learning Map for Blue Class: Spring 2019 Pirates A-Hoy and Electricity


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Map for Blue Class: Spring 2019 Pirates A-Hoy and Electricity Please encourage your child to read each day Learning Map for Blue Class: Spring 2019 Pirates A-Hoy! Can I plan and create my own story? Children to sequence plan and write a pirate story following high quality texts like ‘The Pirates Next Door’, describing the characters within it and using a writing checklist. Researching famous pirates to create fact files. Can I use Scratch software to create Pirate animation? Can I write a diary entry? Children to use simple past and past progressive tense to write a pirate diary entry. Developing throwing and catching skills and leaping over obstacles. Can I rehearse and act out a script? Children to practice presentation skills to present a class assembly. Computing Can I write a school trip recount? Children to use time adverbials and descriptive language to recount their school trip to Kingston museum. . English PE Children to describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. Blue Class Pirates A-Hoy and Electricity DT Can I design and make pirate finger puppets? Science Geography Music Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. To describe and compare how adults have changed. PSHE Art RE Where are different islands located? Can I learns ongs about pirates and explore different moods in music? Can I make essential items for a pirate including a cutlass, eye patch, telescope, sword and hat? Maths Can I understand the benefits of healthy eating? Children to be encouraged to discuss and write about healthy and unhealthy diet. History Can I solve problems? Solving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems and problems involving money Can I describe what life was like on board a pirate ship. Can I tell the time? Children to read the time on a clock, solve time problems and order times of the day. Can I learn about the key points of the Easter celebration. Learning about Easter in church. Designing and making a pirate’s parrot. Can understand the importance of Lent and Ash Wednesday? Can I explore the famous pirates in the past? Researching pirates across history. Can I estimate, compare and measure lengths, capacity and weight? Choosing how to measure items and reading a scale.