What does this table tell you about the leaf lengths? Collecting data S3.1 Core Plenary This grouped frequency table shows the leaf lengths of some wild orchids. What does this table tell you about the leaf lengths? Construct at least one other grouped frequency table, consistent with the above grouped frequency table, but which “tells a different story”. Check each other’s grouped frequency tables. Preamble This short activity confronts pupils with possible disparate distributions that might be hidden beneath wide frequency intervals. The activity will bring to the fore any serious misconceptions regarding frequency intervals and use of the inequality symbols. It will also bring to pupils’ attention how using different class intervals can make the same data appear very different – but allowing them to ‘discover’ this for themselves. Some pupils may need reminding that the frequency intervals should be equal. You may want to start the pupils off by drawing a grouped frequency table with smaller intervals and letting them fill in possible frequencies. Possible content Interpreting grouped frequency tables. Resources Pre-printed blank tables may be time saving. Solution/Notes There are obviously a large number of possible solutions including these: Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009 Photograph © Wong Hock weng / Shutterstock Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009