Level Vocabulary Lesson #10 The Arts
aesthetic Noun A standard of artistic beauty Adjective Referring to artistic beauty or the appreciation of good taste
artisan Noun a craftsperson; a skilled manual labor
The Best of the Voice Auditions Noun A tryout; a short performance given to try out for a part in a show The Best of the Voice Auditions
ceramics Noun Objects made from clay or other combinations of minerals baked at a high temperature
Noun An additional performance demanded by an audience immediately after a program encore
Piano Medley of Popular Songs Noun A group of excerpts from musical pieces blended into one longer number “Listen, just last Tuesday, you said my solo on the Fiddler medley was ‘nice,’ and I haven’t gotten lost and had to drop out of anything for at least a week.” pg. 153, NFMD Piano Medley of Popular Songs
mural Noun A large image on a wall or ceiling
ornate Adjective Heavily and often excessively decorated Note: Ornate often refers to decorations in rooms or on objects. It can also refer to language.
Palette Noun A thin board on which an artist mixes paint of different colors The range of colors used in a painting or by an artist
pantomime Noun Acting that uses gestures and facial expressions without speech Verb To express without speaking