Multi-Tiered Systems of Support MTSS @ EILMS
Challenge #1 Randomized Group (Heterogenous Group) One related arts teacher One intervention specialist (SPED/ Gifted) One 4th grade teacher One 5th grade teacher One 6th grade teacher One 7th grade teacher One 8th grade teacher Cheri
Accommodation, Modification, Intervention Activity With your table, sort the cards into three groupings. Accommodations Modifications Interventions Cheri
MTSS I can: recognize the differences between accommodation, modification and intervention define MTSS and understand the framework identify tier 1, 2 and 3 interventions, accommodations and modifications at EILMS Tracie
Accommodations Physical or environmental changes that can be made for ANY student Does not alter what the student is expected to learn or teach a specific skill Makes learning accessible to the student and allows the student to demonstrate what he or she knows “Levels the playing field” - is not meant to provide an undue advantage to the user Eric
Modifications Alters content knowledge expectations Teaching strategies are modified so that material is presented differently, and/or the expectations of what the student will master are changed. Change in the course of study to meet the ability and needs of a student. Instead of “leveling the playing field”, modifications “change the field the student is playing on”. Abby
Interventions Activities to teach a specific skill, build fluency or encourage application of existing skills to a new situation Requires targeted assessment, planning, and data collection Student’s response to the intervention is monitored and assessed to determine effectiveness and future planning. Cheri
Do you need to make any changes? Re-Sort Activity Do you need to make any changes? Cheri
Accommodation & Modification Utilize specialized curriculum written at a lower level of understanding Adapt or simplify texts for lower level of understanding Change content area requirements by simplifying vocabulary, concepts and principles Lower reading level of assignments Adapt worksheets with simplified vocabulary Complete fewer or different homework problems than peers Reduce reading level of a test Write shorter papers Answer fewer or different test questions Create alternate projects or assignments Give students more time to finish assignments Reduce background noise Teachers frontload vocabulary and key concepts before class Assign a reading buddy for science Cue the student to begin and end tasks Parents and teachers check the student’s assignment book daily. Provide Special Grips Read tests to the student Give the student “wait time” to process information “Chunk” assignments and tests Abby
Intervention Teach student to use graphic organizers and diagrams to separate and sequence information Teach the student to ask for assistance when he gets stuck Students learn to use manipulatives or illustrations to explain his thinking Teach student to mark how far he can get on the assignments in three minutes Student is taught to self-correct using checklists and rubrics Teach student to use taped lectures to revise his notes Student explains the step-by-step directions to a partner before beginning a task Student analyzes good and poor behavior as she watches a skit or film Student is taught to mimic the behavior modeled by the adult and explains what she is learning Student gives oral answers on assignments and tests Abby
Eric and all
mtss Framework- what is it? ·addresses academic needs as well as social, emotional, and behavioral development of children from early childhood to graduation. ·provides multiple levels of support for all learners (struggling through advanced). ·aligns resources and support for students receiving instruction AND for teachers and other support staff who are delivering the instruction. ·strives to ensure that practices, policies, and programs are aligned on classroom, school, and district levels. Tracie
•includes a focus on intervention with a strong goal on prevention. •benefits from continued support for teachers in delivering instruction, utilizing and developing effective curriculum, administering assessment, and using data to guide instruction. •requires a greater focus on collaboration between general education and special education within each school as well as between the school and the district office. •includes a focus on intervention with a strong goal on prevention. •requires that teachers, administrators, district personnel, and student support specialists change the way that they have traditionally worked together to include a more collaborative and cohesive culture. Tracie
MTSS I can: recognize the differences between accommodation, modification and intervention define MTSS and understand the framework identify tier 1, 2 and 3 interventions, accommodations and modifications at EILMS EXIT TICKET! Cheri
Write at least one intervention, one accommodation, and one modification that you have used in your classroom or that you have observed elewere in the building. Blue - Intervention Pink - Modification Yellow - Accommodation