07 Sept. 14 – Butterworth Gospel Centre CH. 11:3-16: THE PROBLEM OF HEADDRESS IN RECOGNITION OF HIS HEADSHIP. PT. 1 – (06 APR. 14): CONTEXT OF THE TEXT. PT. 2 – (13 APR. 14): CHALLENGES TO THE TEXT. Pt. 3 – (07 SEPT. 14): CH. 11:17- 34: THE PROBLEM OF HOLINESS IN RECOGNITION OF HIS LORDSHIP. [Headship in 11:3-16; Lordship in 11:17-34 9 occ. of “head”; 8 occ. of “Lord/Lord’s”]
II. The Principle and Practice of Orderliness and Holiness at a Public Gathering. Chs. 11-14 Let all things be done decently and in order. Let all things be done unto edifying. The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. 11:17-34 The Problem of Misuse of Gifts. Chs. 12, 13 The Problem of Being Confused in Public Participation. Ch. 14 (v. 26)
The Practice for Lordship: Why call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Lk. 6:46 Cf. The Practice for Headship: And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence Col. 1:18
A.The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. I Cor. 11:17-34 1. The Order to Observe (1) in the Church Leading to the Lord’s Supper. 11:17-22 cf. 28 Let there be no Deviation. 11:17, 20 Let there be (no) Divisions… 11:18 Divisive Christian Conduct. }Cf. 1:10, 11 Cf. Divided Personality Cults. } 1:12 -14 Let there be no heretical Doctrines…11:19 Doctrine of Transubstantiation? Consubstantiation? Ordination? … See #3a
i. The Place was not right. 11:20 Not to Fit in with an Agape Feast. a. Let there be no Deviation. 11:17 b. Let there be (no) Divisions… 11:18 c. Let there be no heretical Doctrines… 11:19 d. Let there be no improper Decorum this is not to eat the Lord's supper... 11:20-22 i. The Place was not right. 11:20 Not to Fit in with an Agape Feast. ii. The Practice was not right – 11:21 Not for Personal Profit. iii. The Purpose was not right. 11:22 No Praise for “Partying” cf. 2, 17 e. Let there be personal Discernment: Examine yourselves…11:28a, 29-32 (NRSV) See #3c(vii)
1. The Order to Observe (1). 11:17-22 2 1. The Order to Observe (1) 11:17-22 2. The Order of the Lord’s Supper as an Ordinance to the Church: 11:23 Received through personal Revelation from the Lord – I have received of the Lord To be Passed on to the Christian Posterity – that which also I delivered unto you Initiated at Passover as a new Institution for the Church – the same night in which He was betrayed Cf. Lk. 22:19, 20 ct. 22:14-18
1. The Order to Observe. 11:17-22 2. The Order as an Ordinance: 11:23 3. The Order for the Observance. 11:23-27 Break the Bread - 11:24 i. The Passover Unleavened Bread (Gk. Azymos) Lk. 22:1, 7, 14-18, 19, 20 But the ordinary loaf (Gk. artos) was later used. I Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23; Acts 20:7 ii. The Participation (no ordination): ye 11:24, 26 iii. The Picture (no trans-/con-substantiation): this is My Body, which is (Broken) for you. 11:24
3. The Order for the Observance. 11:24-27 a. Break the Bread - 11:24 b. Drink of the Cup - This cup is…My Blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me. 11:25 The Contents of the Cup used for the Passover was the fruit of the vine. Lk. 22:18 The Cup is the Confirmation of the new Covenant in My blood. 11:25 cf. Ex. 24:8 All Communicants to drink from the Cup - ye (One cup? Cf. Lk. 22:17b; Contents or Cup?) He took the cup…gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. Mt. 26:27, NKJV
The Lord’s Supper in a Camp in India
3. The Order for the Observance. a. Break the Bread 11:24; b 3. The Order for the Observance. a. Break the Bread 11:24; b. Drink of the Cup 11:25 c. Show the Lord’s Death - 11:26 The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper. As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till He come. Its Proclamation: 11:26 ye do show the Lord's death till He come – Backward look to Calvary; Forward to His Coming. ii. Its Purpose – Remember and Revere Him.11:24f This do in remembrance of Me
c. Show the Lord’s Death -. 11:26 i. Its Proclamation:. 11:26 ii c. Show the Lord’s Death - 11:26 i. Its Proclamation: 11:26 ii. Its Purpose – Remember and Revere Him iii. Its Pictures (Symbols not Samples). 11:24 iv. Its Participants: This do ye – Those made worthy by the blood and death of the Lord. 11:27-29 v. Its Duration: till He come. 11:26 vi. Its Day: as often… first day of the week? Resurrection Day? 11:26; Acts 20:7; Mt. 28:1 vii. Its Penalty: 11:27 guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
1. The Order to Observe (1). 11:17-22 2. The Order as an Ordinance: 1. The Order to Observe (1) 11:17-22 2. The Order as an Ordinance: 11:23 3. The Order for the Observance. 11:24-27 4. The Order to Observe (2) [The Preparation] – Examine yourselves… 11:28a, 29-32, NRSV For all who eat and drink without Discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. a. Discern the Body of Christ – this is My body, which is [broken] for you. 11:25, ASV cf. Jn. 19:32f, 36 His Body Bruised for us – I Pet. 2:24 cf. Isa. 53:5 His Body Binding us together. I Cor. 10:16a, 17 The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? Cf. Mt. 5:23f
Its Precaution: not…unto judgment. 11:34 4. The Order to Observe (2)– Examine…11:28-32 a. Discern the Body of Christ. 11:25 b. Drink of the cup Discerning the Blood of Christ. 11:28a, 29-34 (NRSV) For all who eat and drink without Discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. The Discernment needed. 10:16b ii. Do not eat and Drink judgment. 11:29b Its Products: weak, Sickly… many Sleep. 11:30 Its Prevention: judge ourselves… 11:31 Its Purpose: Chastened of the Lord… not be Condemned with the world. . 11:32b Its Politeness: tarry one for another. 11:33 Its Precaution: not…unto judgment. 11:34
4. The Order to Observe (2)– Examine…11:28-32 5. The Obligation for the Observance. I Cor. 11:28b Do not be Absent - so let him eat…and drink of that cup. 11:28b Cf. The Advice for keeping of the Passover. Num. 9:10-13, (14 cf. Exo. 12:48) 6. The Operation of the Observance. I Cor. Chs. 12, 13 And the rest will I set in order when I come. 11:34c Cf. Chs. 12, 13
Next Lord’s Day (14th Sept. 2014) Pt. III. The Problem of Holiness in the Recognition of Lordship. Chs. 12-14 The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. 11:17-34 The Problem of Misuse of Gifts. Chs. 12, 13 The Problem of Being Confused in Public Participation. Ch. 14 (v. 26)
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