a a a ant ant ant apple apple apple Date: . . . a a a ant ant ant apple apple apple alligator alligator alligator apple tree apple tree apple tree Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 1호 p1
b b b bear bear bear ball ball ball Date: . . . b b b bear bear bear ball ball ball bee bee bee box box box Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 1호 p2
c c c cat cat cat cow cow cow cup cup cup cap cap cap Drawing Activity Date: . . . c c c cat cat cat cow cow cow cup cup cup cap cap cap Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 1호 p3
at at at cat cat cat mat mat mat Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-2 1호 p1
at at at sat sat sat bat bat bat Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-2 1호 p2
an an an pan pan pan fan fan fan Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-2 1호 p3
an an an man man man can can can Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-2 1호 p4
ake bake cake rake Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-3 1호 p1
Kate has a cake. The cake has dates. Bake, Kate, Bake! Let’s eat cake! e-ELF English Level-3 1호 p2
ase ape ate vase cape date Drawing Activity Date: . . . e-ELF English Level-3 1호 p3
Dave has a cape. The dates in a vase. Dave is late. Run, Dave! Oh, there is a kiss. e-ELF English Level-3 1호 p4
Date: . . . e-ELF English extra1
Date: . . . e-ELF English extra2