Government Furnished Property Process Implementation Training Carol Vigna, OSD AT&L DPAP Pam Rooney, Support to OSD AT&L DPAP October 2018
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachments Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
Justify GFP during acquisition planning
Policy and Guidance FAR 52.245-1 – Government Property Establishes core GFP requirements DoDI 4161.02 – Accountability and Management of Govt Contract Property Use electronic transactions when transferring Government property to a contractor and upon return of property to DoD PGI 245.103-72 - Government-furnished property attachments to solicitations and awards Directs creation and inclusion of GFP Attachment in specific format DFARS 252.211-7007 Directs contractors to report receipt of ALL GFP Requires updates for serially managed GFP 4 other DFARS clauses are required (252.245-7001 – 7004) Scorecard Memo
Basic Requirement of DFARs 252.211-7007 Reporting of Government-Furnished Property “… the Contractor shall report…all serially managed Government-furnished property, regardless of unit-acquisition cost and receipt of non-serially managed items” 5
Policy: Property Clauses in Contract MANDATORY FAR 52.245-1 Government Property, in all cost type and T&M solicitations and contracts, and in labor hour and fixed-price solicitations and contracts when the Government will provide property. FAR 52.245-9 Use and Charges, in solicitations and contracts when the clause at 52.245-1 is included. DFARS 252.245–7001 Tagging, Labeling, and Marking of Government-Furnished Property DFARS 252.245–7002 Reporting Loss of Government Property DFARS 252.245-7003 Contractor Property Management System Administration DFARS252.245–7004 Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal DFARS 252.211-7007 Reporting of Government-Furnished Property
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachments Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
Receipt & Shipment Notice GFP Architecture Requiring Systems GFP Property Transfer Receipt & Shipment Notice GFP Module BI Reports of GFP Status Industry DLA Update Contract Writing DoD Property Disposition GFP Attachments Property Transfer Contract DoD Supply System GFP Attachments DLA EDA Shipment Notice DLA Record of property transfer Distribution Standard System (reparable return) Contract Deficiency Reports for missing GFP terms or data PCARSS/ PLT CAV Component Accountable Property Systems DLA Navy Property loss or disposal - disposition DCMA Report repair activities - update Air Force CDRs DCMA Note: DPAS Operational Operational Incremental deployment Future Capability
The GFP Module is a new PIEE Application Consolidates GFP capabilities into single tool Phase 1 – GFP Attachment Launched 2 April 2018 Provides authorization for contractor to have custody of Government Property Replaces functionality formerly performed in the Toolbox and IUID Registry Provides workflow for initiator, reviewer, approver Automatically uploads to EDA Phase 2 – GFP Property Transfer Launched 16 July 2018 Shipments and Receipts (formerly performed in iRAPT) Reuses data in the Module to prepopulate transactions reducing data entry burden and increasing data accuracy Compares shipment or receipt to Attachment and alerts discrepancies Reports real time GFP position Phase 3 – Plant clearance and property loss Summer 2019 Disposition (currently performed in DCMA eTools) Support workflow to disposition GFP Enable APSR out of inventory data capture Phase 4 – Update items while in contractor custody Currently performed in CAV, IUID Registry Phase 5 – Integration Automated data sharing with APSRs and DLA
GFP Module Architecture PIEE GFP Module DoD Input – Manual Excel Reuse XML Phase 5: APSRs GFP Position Phase 2: GFP Movements Phase 3: Disposition Phase 4: Update Phase 5: Integrate Phase 5: DoD Supply System EDA Prepop Phase 1: GFP Attachment Authorizes GFP Vendor View Only
The GFP Module Applications grouped in functional areas iRAPT renamed WAWF; the Suite is renamed PIEE
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachment Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
The GFP Attachment – Ground Rules Formalizes the “deal” of what property will be provided to the contractor Authorizes contractors to have custody of government property Required by PGI 245.103-72
Attachment Changes ONLY when the Deal changes If GFP is to be added to a contract: A modification is required The additional GFP is added to the existing GFP Attachment creating a “conformed” version If previously planned GFP will no longer be provided: GFP item is removed from GFP Attachment The GFP Attachment is NOT a real-time, living document of contractor on-hand It is the “PLAN” that establishes authorization Items returned after use do not need to be removed from the Attachment
This information is required to be provided by DoD The GFP Attachment Identifies the type and quantity of Government Property the contractor is allowed to have Identifies which items are serially managed versus non-serially managed for contractor reporting under DFARS 252.211-7007 Establishes the Unit Acquisition Cost that will be captured in the Contractor Property Management System Identifies if property is used “as-is” This information is required to be provided by DoD
The GFP Attachment Created for solicitations and awards of contracts that are authorized to provide Government Furnished Property Created in or uploaded to the GFP Module Reviewed and Approved in the GFP Module Automatically transmitted to EDA and associated with the Contract/Order/Modification
Initiate the Attachment Initiation methods Manual web entry (small number of items) Download, populate, and upload Excel Similar to previous version, but cannot reuse No SN or UII fields on Serially Managed tab Version 2.0 (2.1 for large files up to 75K rows) Reuse an existing GFP Module Attachment Especially helpful for contract mods or follow-on contracts IT system transmits XML
GFP Module Attachment – Workflow, Roles, and suggested organizations Logistics, Material Control Activity (MCA), Property Officer, COR Contracting Officer, ACO, Contract Specialist Requiring Activity, PMO Initiator Loads Draft GFP Attachment - Uploads Excel - Manually enters - Reuse Attachment 2. Enters Contract info 3. Enters routing info - 0 to N Reviewers - Approver required 4. Enters items Approver Reviewer(s) Receives email notification Accesses review folder Reviews or changes Approves or returns Attachment Receives email notification Accesses review folder Reviews or changes Concurs or returns Attachment Initiated Reviewed Returned EDA Returned
GFP Attachment in EDA At any point in the workflow, The GFP Attachment can be extracted from the GFP Module as Excel or PDF. Once Approved and matched in EDA, the version uploaded to EDA is the PDF Note: If you need to convert a large PDF to Excel, we have a process that will help
GFP Attachment Resources See the full GFP Attachment Training:
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachments Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
Transactional GFP Reporting Previously performed in iRAPT; now conducted in GFP Module with enhancements Per DFARS 252.211-7007 Contractors are compelled to report GFP Receipt of non-serially managed GFP Receipt, shipment, consumption, disposal, and transfer of serially managed GFP Non-UII marked and registered GFP receipt is via GFP Module only UII marked and registered items GFP Reporting is variable
What Gets Reported Serially-Managed Non-Serially Managed Receipt X Delivery or Shipment * Consumed or Expended Disposal ** Transfer to Another Contract *May still be subject to Appendix F **May still be subject to 252.245-7002 or 252.245-7004
Overview of Property Transfers in the GFP Module Property from DoD to Contactor DoD can and should input the Property Transfer (PT) into GFP Module to alert contractor of inbound items Contractor receipts items in the GFP Module Based on preceding DoD shipment document Unilaterally if no shipment document was created by DoD Custody transfer flows to APSR if connected Property from Contractor to DoD (returned GFP including Reparables) Contractor inputs shipment into GFP Module (or WAWF for RRR) DoD acknowledges receipt of item APSR=Accountable Property System of Record RRR=Reparable Receiving Report WAWF=Wide Area Work Flow (previously iRAPT)
GFP Module Property Transfer Enhancements Enables pre-population of shipment document from GFP Attachment Enables unilateral contractor receipt from GFP Attachment Allows selection from previously receipted items for population of contractor shipment (or from GFP Attachment) Aligns product identification options to GFP Attachment Alerts discrepancies with GFP Attachment to contracting officer Tracks real-time GFP position against a contract
GFP Module Property Transfer Architecture Government Create Shipment Document alerting Contractor of inbound GFP Acknowledge receipt of GFP back in DoD custody Physical Item Movement direction Contractor Report receipt of GFP Create Shipment Document to report return of GFP GFP per Contract GFP Attachment Email Alert of Discrepancies GFP Position Report
GFP Module Property Transfer Roles DoD Roles Government Property Shipper creates shipment doc Government Property Receiver receives GFP returning from contractor Contractor Roles Contractor Property Receiver creates unilateral receipt or receipts against shipment document created by DoD or another contractor Contractor Property Shipper creates shipment doc to DoD or another contractor View only roles Tip sheet – Registering for GFP Roles:
Benefits of using the GFP Module for GFP visibility Early notification of inbound GFP items Both to Contractors and upon return to DoD Assurance of receipt Or the ability to follow up on shipments that are not overtly received Pre-population increase data quality and reduces data entry burden The only method for Contractors to report non-UII’d GFP Marked and registered UII’d GFP can be receipted, returned, and updated via direct submission to the IUID Registry Supports FIAR related processes and visibility FIAR=Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachments Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
DoD Actions Ensure GFP Clauses are in contract Establish internal processes Who/which organization is responsible for the Initiator, Reviewer, and Approver role for the GFP Attachment Who/which organization is responsible for entry of Property Transfer shipments and receipts Request GFP Module Roles Initiator, Reviewer, or Approver for GFP Attachment Government Property Shipper/Receiver Management Reporting System for reports Ensure GFP Attachment is created and approved in the GFP Module
Contractor Actions Establish business processes for GFP receipt Report Receipt of ALL GFP Using the role of Contractor Property Receiver GFP Module, EDI (Flat File or X.12), IUID Registry (for UII’d items only) Ensure only one method for each receipt Report Return of Serially Managed GFP Using the role of Contractor Property Shipper or via Reparable Receiving Report
Topics Policy and Guidance The GFP Module Planned GFP – The Attachments Actual GFP – Shipment and Receipt Service and Contractor Actions Resources
Contractor Compliance DCMA issues corrective action requests (CAR) when contractual nonconformances with the property clauses are identified.
Contact Carol Vigna at or 703-697-4373 For more information GFP Policy Training, Procedures, Tools or Contact Carol Vigna at or 703-697-4373
GFP Resources DoD Procurement Toolbox ( GFP Module Transition information General GFP Information Sign up for updates and ask questions (“Contact Us”)
GFP Training Training available on the DoD Procurement Toolbox; Recorded sessions at bottom of page
Training Certificates Please use the link below to fill out a request:
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