Water Framework Directive


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Presentation transcript:

Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60/EC Intercalibration for coastal waters Wendy Bonne JRC

Coastal waters We are doing the same thing as in rivers and lakes but in complex environments ! (Mike Elliot, WISER meeting) We need at least the same resources as put in rivers and lakes + coordination and efficient dissemination of IC requirements. We are on the weaker side  There are many cases where we need to think of pragmatic solutions BUT this should not lead us to avoid reporting the reality IC = TEAMwork – difficulty: patchy effort not at the same time – some groups are relying too much on single super women/ men – not a reflection of MS effort ! Help proactively your lead! Fair judgment of scientific state-of-art and realistic effort of Member States – for potential extended deadline + final result

* on a non-continuous basis IC organization GIG / BQE / IC Groups * on a non-continuous basis MED SEA IT Anna Maria Cicero Black Sea RO Gabriel Chiriac + Ramona Bercea Baltic Sea DK Henning Karup NEA UK Peter Holmes Phytoplankton No lead (JRC) UK Mike Best HR Robert Precali RO Laura Boicenco BU Violeta Velikova ? Macroalgae No lead (JRC) ES José A. Juanes + FR Patrick Dion blooming RO Oana Dumitrescu BU Dimitar Berov DK Karsten Dahl* IT Luisa Mangialajo RO Oana Dumitrescu BU Kristina Dencheva Angiosperms No lead (JRC) PT João M. Neto seagrasses + BE Erika Van de Bergh + PT Isabel Cacador saltmarsh ES Teresa Alcoverro DK Dorte Krause-Jensen* Macrobenthic Invertebr. No lead (JRC) DE Torsten Berg RO Camelia Dumitrache BU Valentina Todorova ES Fuensanta Salas ES Angel Borja

Information provision Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Information provision Green = clear reporting improvement in Milestone 3 Phytoplankton No lead OK + GIG meeting OK detailed No report OK Macroalgae No lead OK + GIG meeting OK detailed OK detailed OK Angiosperms No lead OK + GIG meeting OK detailed OK detailed OK Macrobenthic Invertebrates No lead Only activity for TW OK + GIG meeting OK detailed OK

Member States’ participation Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton No country taking lead Problems participation GR, Malta missing Major problems OK Macroalgae IT - GR struggling with revision, Malta missing Problems Absence LV Activity FI, PL Major problems FR ES struggling with revision, Malta missing Angiosperms Problems Absence LV Activity FI, PL Major problems FR Macrobenthic Invertebrates FR not active?, Malta missing Problems Activity DK, EE, PL, LV Only activity for TW Major problems

Review first phase results Problem of activity in MS Review of first phase results: not being constructive in a critical check of weaker 1st phase results - no activity = making yourself more vulnerable to the 2nd scientific review and validation workshop conclusions! e.g. regressions of few data points in technical report and considering it not necessary to add extra data points when MSs are added using the same method – acceptable? Major difficulty: Contracts finished of 1st phase experts – but considering a constructive solution impossible is not helpful

MED SEA Baltic Sea NEA Black Sea Assessment method availability MED SEA 7MS+HR +GIB Baltic Sea 8MS NEA 10 MS + NO Black Sea 2MS Phytoplankton Blooms/ Composition Composition metric via biovolume under development LAST ECOSTAT FR proposal, 5 under development, no descriptions Try-out of metrics for abundance/ composition RO & BU: different combination of metrics 3 MS of 8 full method, 3 only 1 metric LV no method! Macroalgae Intertidal 5 of 8MS + NO FR? Subtidal 3 of 8 MS FR? 6 of 7 MS no new methods IT: CARLIT MT ? - HR ? RO: Under development BU: method Angiosperms CW saltmarshes 2 of 4 MS UK, IR ? Intertidal seagr. 4 of 7MS+NO FR? Subtidal seagr. DE, FR, NO, UK no description 5 MS of 7 have a metric, not FI, LV, LT no seagrasses? 5 of 7 MS IT: PREI GR, CY, MT ? HR: POMI RO: Under development BU: method Macrobenthic Invertebrates 4 of 8 MS not finalized: DK, LV, LT, PL 6 of 7 MS, FR ? hard bottom abandoned ! All methods in COM DEC All methods in COM DEC

Assessment methods Milestone 3: Method descriptions still lacking: For Milestone 2: Homework of MS on method descriptions was generally satisfactorily - Huge improvement on method description ! Milestone 3: Method descriptions still lacking: Baltic Sea GIG: DK: phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, benthic invertebrate fauna SE: macroalgae-seagrasses, benthic invertebrate fauna LV: macroalgae-seagrasses PL: benthic invertebrate fauna NEA GIG BE: phytoplankton DE: phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, benthic invertebrate fauna FR: macroalgae-seagrasses PT: phytoplankton MED Sea GIG FR: benthic invertebrate fauna SI: benthic invertebrate fauna MT: phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, benthic invertebrate fauna GR: phytoplankton Black Sea GIG BU: macroalgae-seagrasses, benthic invertebrate fauna

WFD compliance Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Macroalgae Documentation for chl a. new metrics Documentation in progress Revision with new metrics Documentation in progress, new metrics Macroalgae Documentation needed for lack of metric for more than 1 species Documentation in progress Documentation in progress Documentation in progress Angiosperms No metric for FI, LV (Gulf of Riga), LT (coast) Documentation in progress Documentation in progress Documentation in progress Macrobenthic Invertebrates Documentation EE biomass, DK boundaries, LV, LT, PL method Documentation in progress Agreement diversity issue ! Documentation in progress Not started

Baltic Sea example: compliance checking normative definitions Biological Quality Element Taxo-nomic composi-tion Abun-dance (Cover) Distur-bance sensitive taxa Diver-sity Frequen-cy and intensity of algal blooms Biomass Taxa indicative of pollu-tion Boundary setting procedure: method tested against pressure Phytoplankton Only DE regional x   (x) DE, FI ? 8MS, Biovolumen EE, LV, LT, SE Macroalgae and Angiosperms DK, DE, SE, PL, EE DE, PL, EE  DE: ELBO OK, BALCOSIS not, DK macroalgae cover FI, LT: 1 species depth limit FI, LT: 1 species, SE: # species depth limit FI, EE, LT, PL Lacking: SE, LV Benthic invertebrate fauna DE DE, DK, FI, LT, PL, SE DE, DK, EE, FI, LT, PL, SE EE FI, EE, LV, DE EE Biomass LT, Lacking: DK, SE, PL

Pressure- impact relationships Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Dose/response analysis eutrophication + new metrics Starting for other metrics than chl a Not clear for other metrics than chl a Eutrophication to be tested Macroalgae Only DE metrics & DK macroalgal cover, other MS not tested Main problems, some pressure information collected EutrophicationGeneral degradation: tendency - problem Eutrophication /general degradation not tested Angiosperms Main problems, some pressure information collected Documentation in progress Eutrophication/general degradation not tested DE & DK EE, LT, PL, SE not tested Macrobenthic Invertebrates Hard substrate ? Eutrophication/ general degrad Check species sensitivity classification, pressure data problem Organic enrichment, hazard. subst. / General degradation Documentation in progress, also for diversity Eutrophication/general degradation not tested

Reference /benchmark Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Blooms/Composition Only for biomass (total biovolume) No progress on ref sites documentation Risk assessment No plans yet Macroalgae No plans yet, activity potential common metric Based on biological community in ref sites documentation Planned in future Planned in future Angiosperms No plans yet, activity potential common metric Documenta-tion in progress Planned in future Planned in future Macrobenthic Invertebrates Very restricted types Based on biological communtity No further action planned No progress

Typology Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Macroalgae Current typology chl a, revision for smaller ranges of salinity for composition Subdivision of Balearics considered, no formal GIG discussion 1 type, none to be added No revision planned Refined typology, like macrobenthos+ some larger areas Macroalgae Redefinition of typology in progress 1 type, none to be added No subdivision Angiosperms Refined typology, like macrobenthos+ some larger areas Redefinition of typology in progress 1 type, none to be added No subdivision New refined proposal – some subtypes of larger areas Macrobenthic Invertebrates Hard substrate ? Subdivision like phytoplankton + hard bottom abandoned 1 type, none to be added No revision planned

Baltic Sea typology Extra type

Common dataset development Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton 4 MS + HR biological, phy-sico-chemical + IT pressure data GR missing All MSs All MSs SE and FI lacking Problems! Macroalgae Not clear yet, DE + EE sampling, LV, PL lacking, IC selection ongoing Not clear yet for total MED No progress Starting up Problems! Angiosperms Same dataset as 1st phase ! Starting up Problems! National datasets of 1st phase IC guidance requirement! Macrobenthic Invertebrates DK, EE, LV, LT + DE biological so far Only activity for TW Problems!

Common metric Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Macroalgae Common composition assessment planned Read-across metric searched for No plans but needed? ? Macroalgae Total macroalgal cover, IC selection ongoing BENTHOS No plans but needed? Planned in future ICCM: lower limit type of meadows (shoot density?) – leaf surface area per shoot Angiosperms Seagrass depth limit, IC selection ongoing Planned in future No plans but needed? Macrobenthic Invertebrates Only activity for TW No common metric planned No further action planned No common metric

IC option Baltic Sea NEA MED Black Sea Phytoplankton Macroalgae Option (1or) 2 for biovolume composition Option 1/ Option 2 ? Option 1 common Ref & BSP ? NOT Option 1! Macroalgae Not known yet, option 2 considered Option 2 & 3 at some sites Not known yet NOT Option 1! Angiosperms Not known yet, option 2 considered NOT Option 1! Not known yet Option 2 Macrobenthic Invertebrates Option 3b Option 1: LT-LV No further action planned Option 3 Option 3

Meetings next? MED Sea Feb 2011 Black Sea Baltic Sea March 2011 NEA Nov 2010 next? Baltic Sea March 2011 NEA Nov 2010 Phytoplankton Oct 2010 March 2011 June 2010 Oct 2010 Macroalgae March 2011 Sept 2010 Febr 2011 Oct 2010 Angiosperms March 2011 Sept 2010 Febr 2011 Oct 2010 Macrobenthic Invertebrates Oct 2010 March 2011 Nov 2010 Febr 2011

Progress in 6 months

Phytoplankton composition /blooms COASTAL WATERS BQE Baltic Sea North-East Atlantic Mediterranean Black Sea Phytoplankton composition /blooms Macroalgae and Angiosperms Macrobenthic invertebrate fauna Improvement 1st IC after finalization of the TW IC Cooperation between Member States to do common boundary setting or Option 1 Time to assess data and for discussion Cooperation between Member States to do common boundary setting or Option 1 Cooperation and monitoring Macroalgae Sea-grasses Common metric clarifications ! Cooperation WISER Cooperation and monitoring Common metric clarifications ! Cooperation WISER Revision 1st phase + 1 MS Revision Revision 1st phase with monitoring data added 3 of 8 types green, others yellow or red Revision 1st phase + 2 additional MSs Meeting ?