Land Use/Cover Area Frame Statistical Survey LUCAS Phase 1 Preliminary results 2003 Forest and Other Wooded Land Angelo MARIANO Eurostat F-2
Objectives of the LUCAS survey To obtain harmonised statistical data at EU15 level on: Land Use and Land Cover Environmental features To monitor and analyse changes 2001, 2003, 2005 (EU25), ...
Where are the observations made? 100 000 points systematically sampled
How the points are found on the ground... Reaching the points Reaching the points Observing the features in the field Observing the features in the field * 3 m 3 m 40 m 40 m * About 10% of points are also photo-interpreted (mountain, isolated points)
What is observed? (1) Land cover 57 classes
What is observed? (2) Land use 14 classes
(3) Environmental features What is observed? (3) Environmental features Tracks of natural hazards (Avalanches, Land slides, Gales, Burnt and Flooded areas) linear: rills, gullies Tracks of erosion accumulation Linear features (e.g. hedges) present in landscape
What is observed? (4) Landscape Archive of 20 000 photos West East North South
LUCAS sampling plan Visited points in 2003 EU15 9796 PSU 96645 SSU Hungary 292 PSU 2883 SSUs
Distance of observation
Land Cover & Land Use Preliminary results
Land Cover
Land Use
Land Cover matrix
Focusing on Forest and Other Wooded Land Land Cover
Changes of Land Cover among Forest categories and other main classes (2001/2003)
Observed Land Cover changes in Forest categories (2001/2003)
Comparison between LUCAS 2001, LUCAS 2003 and TBFRA main aggregates
Detailed Land Cover: Forest and Other Wooded Land categories (2003-2001)
TBFRA and LUCAS thresholds
Map of Land Cover change (2001/2003) between Forest and Permanent Grassland
Map of Land Cover change (2001/2003) between Forest and Shrubland