ALDRC HEAD GATE FINISHED VIEW Minimum of 4” pertrusion of ditch side wall in front of Bulkaid. 48” Bulkaid width 6” pertrusion of Bulkaid from ground level. Bottom of Culvert level with Ditch floor. 5/16/2019 of 4
ALDRC HEAD GATE CUTAWAY VIEW LOOKING DOWNSTREAM 6” Support Bolts for Gates over 48”. 2” Waterman C-10 Gate 4” 6” from top of Bulkaid to ground level. Concrete Bulkaid 10” Steel Culvert, sloped ~ 1” per foot. Caulk & Seal Headgate to Culvert with Sealant and Bolts. Secondaryditch Bottom of Culvert level with Ditch floor. 10” Steel Culvert. Bulkaid extends 6” below ditch floor. 12 inches. Fill under culvert with 6” of concrete and let cure before pouring Bulkaid. 5/16/2019 of 4
ALDRC HEAD GATE BULKAID SPECIFICATIONS VIEW Minimum of 4” pertrusion of ditch side wall in front of Bulkaid. 48” 5 1/2 ” 6” from top edge to ground level. Minimum 48”. May have to be greater if ditch is deeper to insure proper culvert level, 6” pertrusion above ditch ground level and 6” below Ditch floor. #5 REBAR 10” Ditch floor. 6” Ditch floor. Bottom of Culvert level with Ditch floor. 6” below ditch floor. 5/16/2019 of 4
ALDRC HEAD GATE DITCH DIGGING SPECIFICATIONS 12” wide trench 48” Wide cut Minimum 36” Height cut to accomodate 6” above Ditch top ground level and 6” below Ditch floor for a 48” Bulkaid height. NOTE: Trench length no shorter than 6’ to insure ditch integrity. Refilled on top of culvert with original and compacted dirt. 10’ trench length considered ideal, and land owner can ditch from there. Minimum 10” Deep cut to accomodate 5 1/2” thick Bulkaid and 4” ditch wall in front of Bulkaid. 10” Steel Culvert. Ditch floor level 6” below Ditch floor level Ditch floor level Fill under culvert with 6” of concrete and let cure before pouring Bulkaid. 5/16/2019 of 4