Webinar Instructor Training Part 3 October 29, 2013 Putting it All Together
Sound Check
Asking Questions
THE FINE PRINT You must attend all three sessions in the correct order. Additional sessions will be offered in the winter and spring. You will be paid for sessions you attend after you complete and submit the assignment in session three. Session 3 assignment will be to plan and deliver a thirty minute webinar training of your choice. You must have at least one live attendee (preferably another instructor.)You must submit the recording of the session.
Great webinar PD doesn’t just happen Great webinar PD doesn’t just happen. Beyond having a relevant topic and good presenter skills, there are a number of factors that affect the end result. Whether instructors are creating, producing, or presenting, this workshop will provide them with tips and tricks to deliver a great webinar experience for everyone.
Review the content options Match content types to the best session tool to achieve the learning objective Demonstrate the ability to add content to the session i.e. load a Whiteboard and load a file to the File Transfer library Practice putting a session in action Demonstrate the ability to manage participants utilizing the tools and functionality of the Participants panel Demonstrate how to start and pause the session recorder Demonstrate the use of the Polling tool Demonstrate how to share an application or the desktop and how to pass control to participants Demonstrate the effective use of the Web Tour tool and understand the difference between Application Sharing and Web Tour Identify best practices Through practice and discussion identify Moderator and session best practices Map best practices to personal and institutional teaching and learning goals Explore next steps Identify additional resources
Questions or Comments?
REVIEW Audio, Video, Application Sharing, and Web Tour Audio, Video, Chat, and Whiteboard None of the Above
REVIEW Audio, Video, Application Sharing, and Web Tour Audio, Video, Chat, and Whiteboard None of the Above
REVIEW Whiteboard tools
REVIEW Talking Hand raised What is Amanda doing Emoticons Polling
REVIEW Talking Hand raised What is Amanda doing Emoticons Polling
REVIEW UPLOADING WHITEBOARDS Talking Hand raised What is Amanda doing Emoticons Polling
REVIEW Talking Hand raised What is Amanda doing Emoticons Polling
REVIEW When you end the session When you end the session and everyone leaves the room When the moderator leaves the session, the others can stay As soon as you stop recording Talking Hand raised What is Amanda doing Emoticons Polling
OTHER QUESTIONS Have participant change polling type back to yes or no
INSTRUCTIONS You will put yourselves into the breakout room. 1st presenter will upload presentation whiteboard file and deliver the 20 min presentation. 2nd presenter will use the Notes tool for PQP 2nd presenter will upload presentation whiteboard file and deliver the 20 min presentation. 1st presenter will use the Notes tool for PQP Add a blank page and record your names PQP’s from both presentations. Copy this page to the main room when you are done.
NEXT STEPS Record your demo webinar in your Practice Room. Post the link to the recording of your webinar on the wiki page https://bcpsddlpd.pbworks.com/w/page/69924823/Webinar%20Demo 3 break out rooms,