The Status Quo Living an unfulfilled, luke-warm life in the Lord. It’s so easy to fool ourselves into thinking this is okay. Ultimately, a life like this needs repenting. Rev. 3:15-16, 19
A Special People We’ve had a week’s worth of sermons to digest. Now what? Our lives in Christ were never meant to be “normal” because we’re a special people. 1 Peter 2:9
Going Beyond The Status Quo for Christians In service to our Savior. Matt. 22:37 Magnifying God’s name when others are ashamed. Psa. 34:1-3 Worshipping Him beyond lip service. Serving Him as a daily living sacrifice. Rom. 12:1-2
The Status Quo for Christians - Beyond In service to our fellow man. Matt. 22:38 Going the extra mile when others won’t. Matt. 5:38-42 Loving the unlovable. Matt. 5:43-47 Showing kindness to those who cannot repay. Lk. 14:12-14
You Can Reach the Lost Go to your local jails (or, talk to me about how you can get started in teaching in your county jail) Go to your local homeless shelter or meet some of the homeless where they live (go in a group) Volunteer at your local food bank
You Can Reach the Lost Go to your local elementary schools (many needy children) Volunteer at your local batter shelter. All these areas of service to your community is the bridge to genuine relationships and the means by which you can share the gospel and love of Christ.
In other words We’re a special people (1 Pet. 2:9) made by our Special Creator to do special things (Eph. 2:10) for a special reason… reaching the world beyond. Lk. 6:35