Lads to Leaders
into Christian leaders Mission Statement: To develop youth into Christian leaders
COMPETITIONS Drawing Article/Editorial Sketching Audio Speech Painting Collage Sculpture B/W Photography Color Photography Greeting Cards Banner Bible Bowl Bible Reading Memorizing Verses Article/Editorial Audio Speech Video Speech Storyline Teams Web Page Music Composition Puppets Scrapbook Songleading Speech Debate
Lads to Leaders Increases…. Self-esteem Self-worth Communication skills Personal confidence Social skills Spiritual strength Personal abilities Listening skills The Self-Starter habit Ability to get along with others The setting and achieving of goals Lads to Leaders Increases….
We need people young and old who love kids to: Help individuals and teams get ready for the April Convention in Nashville. Serve as mentors/cheerleaders. Our goal is to have at least one mentor for each young person participating.
WE WANT YOU! Information Meeting for Potential Volunteers Tonight after 6 p.m. service in the Family Life Center Please bring finger food dish if you can come