Purpose, support and potential your e-folio & wordpress Purpose, support and potential
Purpose(s)… For the e-folio A repository for the collection of evidence of your professional growth/competencies A demonstration of your professional growth over time e.g. Your ability to take risks and learn from them Your ability to self-assess Others’ assessments of your growth/competencies Your approach to teaching e.g. inquiring, critical, flexible, progressive… Your relationship to the standards of your profession
A self assessment tool (with applications to your own practice with your own students) Source of data—a collection—for final UBC records (audit folio)
For WordPress: to develop and/or enhance your technological skills To provide a web 2.0 (social networking) medium for educational collaboration To electronically store evidence that you have met the educational goals of UBC’s teacher education program, and the BCCT standards.
Third Edition, February 2008 8 Standards Third Edition, February 2008 Educators value and care for all students and act in their best interests. 2. Educators are role models who act ethically and honestly. 3. Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development. 4. Educators value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools.
5. Educators implement effective practices in areas of classroom management, planning, instruction, assessment, evaluation and reporting. 6. Educators have a broad knowledge base and understand the subject areas they teach. 7. Educators engage in career-long learning. 8. Educators contribute to the profession.
Get Ready! Visit Computer and Media Services (the CMS) to set up your account. Wait for the email from CMS to tell you you can set up your WordPress blog. Save this email!!!! To get started, consult http://efolio.educ.ubc.ca/cpaul/efolio-support/
Resources folio@educ.ubc.ca (CMS help) E-coaches Lab workshops: Tues/Thurs 12:30 – 2:00 Room 1011 TEO website http://teach.educ.ubc.ca/resources/faculty_resources/e-portfolio/index.html
EDUC. 480 The goal of EDUC 480 is to enable you to spend time with fellow teacher graduands, to review your professional year and to prepare your audit e-portfolio for UBC's records. Purpose: to review with your peers, as a capstone course, your accomplishments, professional development and your professional goals. to provide an opportunity for serious thinking, questioning and discussion among your colleagues while you review the program. to participate in the process of program synthesis--distilling from a breadth of experiences and new understandings your elemental teaching identity. to apply those understandings against the BC College of Teachers Standards through the construction and filing of an audit portfolio. to help you consolidate your ideas about teaching and prepare to discuss them in such contexts as job interviews, staff meetings and parent-teacher conferences.
Expect from us: e-coaches and other technical support from university personnel additional lab and support time instructors to a) help you develop your audit e-portfolio b) provide feedback regarding your artifacts and reflections c) organise opportunities for you to discuss and assess your e-portfolios and those of your colleagues step-by-step documentation and screencasts to demonstrate the simple process of creating an eportfolio using Wordpress, plus the TEO website resources: http://teach.educ.ubc.ca/resources/facultyresources/e-portfolio/index.html Assessment of your completed audit e-folio, “capture” and storage of it for 5 years.
Expected from you: come with a collection of material, from your year in the TEP, in your WordPress blog on the Education server: http://efolio.educ.ubc.ca this collection will represent meaningful teaching experiences, artifacts, and reflections from your practicum and from coursework-- your working e-portfolio from which the audit folio will be drawn. For example gather and sort lesson plans, scans of notes from appreciative students, journal entries from your own reflections, archived exchanges with colleagues, FA & SA reports, etc. familiarity with the UBC ASR http://educ.ubc.ca/about/standards/ and the 8 BCCT standards. Satisfactory completion of the audit folio is required for UBC teacher candidates to be recommended for certification to the BC College of Teachers.
The beginning….