Police & Crime Plan 2017/21 2018/19 (six month update)
The role of Police & Crime Commissioners Hold the Chief Constable to account for providing an effective and efficient police service in Sussex, on behalf of the community Police budget and local precept Police & Crime plan Commission victim support services and deliver community safety initiatives Over half way through term in office
Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne Police & Crime Commissioner Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer Chief Finance Officer Partnership team Performance team Communication team Commissioning team Video-enabled justice team
Police & Crime Plan objectives Strengthen local policing Work with local communities and partners to keep Sussex safe Protect our vulnerable and help victims cope and recover from crime and abuse Improve access to justice for victims and witnesses
Strengthen local policing Precept & police officer recruitment Sexual Offences Investigation Team 101 & Single Online Home Top PAM topics: Safer roads Reporting of hidden crime Violent crime 101
Six month correspondence report
Local and national concerns
Work with local communities and partners to keep Sussex safe Early Intervention Youth Fund (£890K) CSP co-commissioning Safer in Sussex community fund
Protect our vulnerable and help victims cope and recover from crime and abuse Independent Custody Visiting Scheme Safe:Space Sussex funding network Procurement of new victim services to launch April ’19 “A Life More Ordinary” exhibition: 14th-20th Jan, Jubilee Library Brighton
Improve access to justice for victims and witnesses Video enabled justice programme The challenge Police Officers and witnesses spending excessive time travelling to and from Court Reduced court estate requiring greater reliance on video Poor co-ordination of video in Court Cost and risk of detainees in police custody awaiting remand hearing Overall Court user experience
Looking ahead Police precept 2019/20 Commissioning new victim contract April ‘19 Commissioning community safety initiative April ’19 Early Intervention Youth Fund Safer in Sussex Fund now open for grants up to £5K until Sunday 27th January