“Fostering cooperation among the science and industry in Jelgava and Siauliai” Project coordinator in SU: Dr. Eglė Virgailaitė-Mečkauskaitė Project finance manager in SU: Nijolė Kriščiūnienė
WP 2 it is planned to equip the laboratories of hydrogen energy and biotechnology and genetic researches at Siauliai University. 1 year after the beginning of the project (second period of the project). Open day event organized in the equipped laboratories in the fourth period.
WP 3 4 study modules will be developed: "Managing the innovative process" "The protection of Intellectual property" "Communication of the innovative process" "Patentology"
WP 3 all courses will be piloted from third period. Business discussion will be organized in Siauliai (30 students, 20 businessmen from LV and LT). (fourth period) 1 meeting of SPWG (4 ppl). Cross border forum will be organized in LT (50 participants)
Project Partner's budget per Budget Line and Work Package (in EUR) No Budget line WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 TOTAL % 1 Personnel 14.300,00 0,00 68.600,00 82.900,00 72,85 2 Direct Administration costs 1.200,00 1,05 3 Indirect Administration costs 4 External Services 7.500,00 5.350,00 12.850,00 11,29 5 Travel and Accommodation 150,00 0,13 6 Equipment and Infrastructure 16.700,00 14,67 7 In Kind costs 8 Preparation costs 23.000,00 74.100,00 113.800,00 of it: expenditure outside Programme area: