The most popular player New life Mini card classic Rocking roll
STOP PLAY Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need
PLAY Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need 14 :02 STOP Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need
PLAY Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need 14 :02 Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need,Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need STOP Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need
PLAY Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need 14 :02 STOP Stop and play the music ,you can use this button as you need
JOE If any questions ,you can contact me by the mail box as below It’s my first PPT for music player , hope you everyone like it
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