Group 3 Results: CKM angles, B → charm, B → charmless, B baryonic decays, Global CKM fits Tools: Vertexing, Time dependent, Multivariate discriminants , Maximum likelihood
Discussion sessions General goals Plenary discussion session – compose and discuss detailed plan of content of each section (in collaboration with potentially related sections) determine which motivation, methods, results and interpretations will be included identify missing important measurements determine the approximate page count for sections identify the needs for contributors identify the needs for theory input Plenary discussion session matters common to all sections Parallel discussion session more section specific issues
Come up with Short reports from parallel sessions (10+5 min) : – have detailed section outlines been prepared ? – specific problems? – status of contributors? – theory input, any special needs? – approximate page count?
Papers BaBar Published 1) Reference 2) ... Belle Published PhysRevLett.91.261801 PhysRevLett.94.181803 PhysRevLett.89.071801 PhysRevD.68.012001 PhysRevLett.93.021601 PhysRevLett.95.101801 PhysRevLett_98_211801 PhysRevD.69.111102 PhysRevD.71.031502 PhysRevLett_98_181804 PhysRevLett_99_121601 PhysRevLett.93.131802 PhysRevD_73_111105 PhysRevLett_98_221602 PhysRevD_77_072001 PhysRevLett.94.031801 PhysRevLett_96_171801 PhysRevD_76_011104 PhysRevLett.91.221801 PhysRevD_78_111102 Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : #8 (ππ-3,ρρ-3,a1π,ρ+π0) BaBar Published 1) Reference 2) ... Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: # Summary of papers (BaBar+Belle): 1) PRL: # ?+6+updates 2) PRD: # ?+3+updates 3) ....
Summary of Belle ϕ2 related measurements B decay Dataset Signal Signif BR, 10-6 fL S A ϕ2/α C.L. π+π- 535M 1464±65 5.2±0.2 -0.61±0.10±0.04 +0.55±0.08±0.05 (5.5σ) 97±11 π+π0 449M 693±45 6.5±0.4±0.4 π0π0 275M 82±16 5.8σ 2.3±0.5±0.3 ρ+π0 152M 87.4±14.9 8.1σ 13.2±2.3±1.7 +0.06±0.17±0.05 (ρπ)0 971±42 68÷95 68.5% ρ±π± 22.6±1.1±4.4 ρ0π0 3.0±0.5±0.7 ρ+ρ- 576±53 22.8±3.8±2.5 0.94±0.04±0.03 +0.19±0.30±0.08 +0.16±0.21±0.08 54÷113 90% ρ+ρ0 85M 59±13 5.3σ 31.7±7.1±5.3 0.95±0.11±0.02 +0.00±0.22±0.03 ρ0ρ0 657M 25±23±13 1.0σ 0.4±0.4±0.3 <1.0@90%CL 91.7±14.9 a1π
Contributors pi+pi- pi0pi0 pipi,Kpi,KK (rho pi)0 rho+pi0 rho+rho- a1+pi- phi2/Belle H.Ishino/ K.Prothmann Y.Chao S.-W.Lin A.Kusaka J.Zhang A.Somov C.-C.Chiang J.Dalseno Author phi2/BaBar E-mail sent ^ Agreed | Refused went to rare B
Section subdivision Section (α/ϕ2) Subsection(Introduction) – 1p Subsection(Isospin analyses) – 2p Subsection (ππ) – 3p Subsection (ρρ) – 3p Subsection (ρπ) – 3p Subsection (a1π) – 2p Subsection (Conclusion) – 1p Approximate expected # pages needed for whole section: 16-20