UNIT III: Drama and Classical Literature Ms. Pierce
Welcome to Class (B-Day 11/14) Please check you grades in the back! Grab your journal!!! Get out your … Current Event Assignment Independent Reading Book Report Capitalization: grammar worksheet
Welcome to Class (A-Day: 11/17) Grab your journal Write in the Table of Contents: “My Favorite Drama” Answer this prompt: Drama means a piece of writing that is performed either on stage, screen, or radio with strong emotion. Think about your favorite opera, play, TV show, movie or radio program. Briefly summarize the premise (or plot) and why you watch it. Write 1 paragraph using complete sentences and proper punctuation. You will have an opportunity to share with the class. Time limit: 7 minutes. Go fast!
Purpose of class… We are learning how… We are understanding by… play writers, screenwriters, authors, etc. use dramatic conventions to enhance the viewer’s/reader’s interest in drama. We are understanding by… watching TV and movie clips Your knowledge will be assessed by… a graphic organizer and an exit ticket
Why do we make and watch drama? Grey’s Anatomy King Kong 300
Vocabulary What are dramatic conventions? Specific actions and techniques the actor, writer or director has employed to create a desired dramatic effect/style. Types of Dramatic Conventions: Monologues Soliloquies External conflict Internal conflict Dramatic irony
Monologue vs. Soliloquy Monologue definition: from the Greek monos ("single") and legein ("to speak") — is a speech given by a single person to an audience or another character. Rudy Remember the Titans Soliloquy definition from the Latin solus ("alone") and loqui ("to speak") — is a speech that one gives to oneself. Gnomeo and Juliet Frozen
External Conflict vs. Internal Conflict struggle between a character and an outside force. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Machine Man vs. External supernatural force such as gods, demons, fate, etc. Mean girls Internal conflict psychological struggle within the mind of a character Man vs. his own self-doubt Man vs. his own low self-esteem The Butterfly Effect
Dramatic Irony Dramatic Irony definition: when the audience knows something the characters do not. Jaws
Your turn… Batman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De2VJBmXEx w Fold your graphic organizer in half On one side, write #1 & #2 Identify the form(s) of dramatic conventions found in the following clips. (Note: Some clips have more than one form) Batman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De2VJBmXEx w Lord of the Rings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08k1Ds3A1gE
Exit Ticket Get a half sheet of paper Put your name on it Answer this question: How do dramatic conventions enhance the viewer’s experience while watching drama? Write 2-3 complete sentences.