Content generation tools © Wawasan Open University 2010 OER Capacity Building Workshop by Wawasan Open University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Malaysia License.
RLO content Reusable learning objects can be text documents, images with accompanying text, a power point presentation, an independent or accompanying audio file, a video file, a power point presentation with audio recording, a flash animation, web pages…
File formats *.txt (ASCII text) *.doc (MS Word 2003, 2007) *.ppt, pptx (Power Point 2003, 2007) *.jpg (JEPG lossless compression for photographic images) *.png (Portable Network Graphics – bitmap image format) *.gif (Graphics Interchange Format - limited to 8 bit or 256 colors; suited for line drawings and textural images) *.flv (Flash video) *.mp3 (audio) *.swf (Flash animation) *.zip (Adobe Presenter format – Power Point with audio recordings)
Text and artwork MS-Word, Gedit, Pico, Activestate Komodo, Emacs, Vi Powerpoint Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator Gimp
Image processing freeware
Freeware for Web page creation Software applications for creating web pages. Automatically enter markup html editing/web authoring tools:
Freeware for Flash presentations A Wink 2.0 build 1060 from presentation capture
Packaging RLOs to standards Application of standards to make the RLOs technically independent. IMS(IMS Global Learning Consortium) AICC(Aviation Industry Computer-based training Committee) SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Model) Standards to enable web-based learning systems to find, import, share, reuse, and export learning content in a standardized way.
A Package Interchange File Package used to move courseware or collections of learning resources from the content developer to and between content repositories and Learning Management Systems.
Contents of the PIF A SCORM Content Package contains two major components: A special XML document describing the content organization and resources of the package. The special file is called the Manifest file (imsmanifest.xml). The physical files referenced in the Manifest. These files may be local files that are actually contained within the content package, or they can be external files that are referenced by a Universal Resource Indicator (URI).
Content and metadata packaging editors RELOAD – metadata and content packaging editor – for interoperability. Implements IMS content packaging and metadata specifications, and editing of SCORM 1.2 packages. Available for download from
RELOAD Allows users to author and transfer learning objects, in specification compliant format, between authoring and design tools and digital repositories. Allows repurposing of existing content through reorganization.
eXe editor Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages.
eXe package interchange file SCORM content packages that can be imported into a variety of LMSs – Moodle here
Xerte Content development environment Allow integration of fundamental units/objects
Integrating LOs Building interactivity into Learning Objects
Assignment Wink flash presentations or