Hillside’s Shared Decision Making Level 1 I Do TKES Walkthroughs Jeans Days Budget Staff Coverage Collaboration-PLCs After-School Mtgs Duties Drills Level 2 We Do Teacher Placement Daily Schedules PD offerings TKES formal Staff celebrations Calendar Dates RTI Interventions 0-3 Club Plans Level 3 You Do PBIS implementation Instructional Model Tweaks Lesson/Unit Plan Bulletin Board Décor SLED program Student Mentoring (K/AU Buddies) PBL Design Hillside operates under the collective responsibility format of shared decision making. The overall outline is a basic three level approach. The decision making level is implemented under various constraints such as purview, urgency, impact and time sensitivity. Level 1 *: This decision is made by the principal. Information gained, reviewed for impact, and best practice applied in decision making. Level 2**: Feedback gathered from all staff or parent as applicable. Info reviewed to address staff needs, technical issues, systematic practices, instructional considerations. Feedback gathered through surveys, admin, school committees, PLC leader communication. Solution focused feedback may be requested or offered. Level 3** Any staff member, PLC leaders, staff committees and other teams formed and based upon gathered information from staff members they participate in developing process and procedures. Group decision aligned with best practice and research. Protocols used and shared to support decision making for approval. The above list of examples has been created by Hillside instructional paraprofessionals & teachers (Dec 2016). This list is to provide context and not considered exhaustive. All input shall be solution focused and in consideration of all impacted by the decision. ** In order for input to be considered the decision timeline must be reasonable for the implementation.