Dept Of Music
OBLECTIVES: 1) Group singing brings all voices to a common platform OBLECTIVES: 1) Group singing brings all voices to a common platform. 2) Introduce the students to different Musical Ideas, Instruments & genres of Music.
Requirements Every student from Class 1 should carry their calender and a glue stick when coming to the music room. Every student from class 2 to 5 carries a 100 page exercise book and stationary box when coming to the music room. Printed songs that are to be stuck in their music book, are given to all students . Parents are requested to check the music book of their wards on monthly basis,, and encourage their kids to sing the songs printed in them.
Evaluations Music is a compulsory subject of the primary education system. Evaluation is done twice a year Term 1 in September and Term 2 in March. For each evalution is higher grade of 2 rounds of grading, once in May , then August for Term 1, and once in November and then February for Term 2 is taken.
Criteria for Evaluations 1) (Melody Test)the student must sing a song, from the list of songs taught to them in class. 2) (Rhythm Test) student must clap to a song sung or played by the teacher. 3) (Aural Test)Student must recognice a familiar song played on an instrument (class 1 & 2), must recognize a higher or lower note played on an instrument. 4) New/shy/special students are asked to sing a Nursury Rhyme or National Anthem or clap to a tune for grading.
ACTIVITIES: The day begins with the singing of a prayer song and the Indian National Anthem from the calender Songs are sung to celebrate every festival, and for special assemblies. In November 2015 a Talent search competition from classes 1 to 5 for singing and instrument playing will be conducted to celebrate Childrens day Class wise Group Singing competitions will be held, where parents are invited. School Band to be trained for classes 4 and 5 for investiture ceremony and sports day
MUSIC School band of classes 4 & 5 students.
keyboard /guitar / drums Students are taught keyboard /guitar / drums
Singing PRESENTATION are done for every class from 1 to 5.