Macdonald World History Enlightenment Macdonald World History
Definition Black Death caused many to question long-held beliefs about their religion and government Led to questioning and ultimately the move away from religion and towards the secular to explain the world From the questioning came the Enlightenment (17th & 18th century movement in which thinkers applied reason & logic to all aspects of life)
The Enlightenment Thinker Idea Evidence in U.S. Hobbes Locke Voltaire Montesquieu Rousseau Beccaria Wolstonecraft
Hobbes Ppl are evil &wicked w/o gov’t to keep order, would be war of every man against another To escape war, ppl needed to hand over freedom to gov’t for order Social contract
Locke All ppl born w/ 3 natural rights – life, liberty, property Purpose of gov’t to protect rights If a gov’t doesn’t protect rights, ppl have duty to overthrow it Gov’t comes from consent of ppl
Voltaire Used satire to attack stupidity Argued for freedom of religion & freedom of speech
Montesquieu Humans naturally will want to increase power To limit dangers, called for separation of power to keep one group from gaining all power Also called checks & balances
Rousseau Only good gov’t was one in which people agreed to “general will” of society must agree Must be a direct democracy
Beccaria Thought laws existed to keep order Against torturing witnesses, long trials, etc. Said punishment should fit crime
Wollstonecraft Argued that women needed education to become useful No gov’t should take away rights of any person – including women