Unit 4: Law & the Legal System Types of Law
Criminal Law Laws to prevent ppl from deliberately or recklessly harming each other What are some examples of criminal law?
Civil Law Dispute between two + ppl usually involving $ or family court Examples Suing someone, divorce, child support, alimony, torts (negligence)
Administrative Law Laws that government agencies must follow Remember that rule of law applies to all
Constitutional Law Laws written in the constitution that must be followed Example – Rights of the accused, such as Habeas Corpus No Double Jeopardy Hear and Question Witnesses Impartial Jury
Common Law Using previous court cases to determine the law Example?????
International Law Made up of treaties, customs, and agreements with other nations If broken, defendant can go to the World Court (est. by the United Nations in 1946)
Who helps in this process? Police Sheriff State Troopers National Guard Department of Justice FBI SBI Secret Service Regulatory Commissions