The Cold War at Home {The Red Scare}
Red Scare Fear that communists working to destroy America 1938: House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Probed gov’t, armed forces, education, science, media, etc. Hollywood Ten: refused to answer Qs Blacklist of entertainment ppl that shouldn’t be hired Showed that fear meant that freedom of speech was not guaranteed
Spy Cases… ALGER HISS Whittaker Chambers testified before HUAC, named Alger Hiss (State Dept employee) he denied everything/ even knowing Chambers Hiss’ argument unravels…. convicted; 5 yrs prison
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Charged w/ passing secret info abt nuclear science (atom bomb) to USSR Case based mostly on word of 1 person; R+R claimed being persecuted for being Jewish Both found guilty, sentenced to death; executed 1953
McCarthyism WI Senator Joseph McCarthy – 1950 speech said State Dept full of communist agents Said he had a list of communists “McCarthyism” – catchword for extreme, reckless charges of communism/disloyalty Baseless accusations, destroyed reputations/ jobs, lies upon lies 1954: downfall b/c went after US Army, hearings were televised ppl saw real him