‘Around the world’ Year One


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Presentation transcript:

‘Around the world’ Year One Curriculum News – Spring 2019 Language, Literacy and Communication Within RWI (Read, Write, Inc.) will look at three sound a week as well as continuing to learn how to blend the sounds already covered. Children will be learning about full stops, capital letters, commas and exclamation marks. We will discuss nouns, adjectives and alphabetical order. As part of our topic we will look at story structure, and writing letters. Reading groups will take place on a daily basis. Welsh Incidental Welsh is used throughout the school day. Children are encouraged to respond in Welsh and ask their own questions. We will be learning how to discuss clothes and weather. These skills will be reinforced daily with our Helpwr Heddiw. French Children are enjoying extending their Welsh vocabulary. We will reinforce numbers and colours this term. We will also introduce fruit and the weather in French. Mathematical Development Teen numbers, pairs of numbers that make 10 (bonds to 10) and doubles/halves to 10 will be taught. Counting up to 100, forwards and backwards. Practical and enhanced activities will develop children's understanding. Children will cover work on measuring, shape, money and time. This will be developed through problem solving activities to ensure children’s using and applying of their number skills. Science and Technology We will look at space and natural disasters this term. Looking into where natural disasters have happened and why. We will use ICT to research into our country of choice to answer questions asked about that country. We will begin to use Welsh apps on the iPad to extend and consolidate our knowledge. Humanities We will learn about the Creation story this term. We will also research and learn facts about Africa, including endangered animals. We will use our number skills to make tally charts of animals on an African Safari. Children will also make a class book full of information they have found about Africa. ‘Around the world’ Year One Expressive arts Children will be encouraged to discuss their ideas and compositions and think of ways to improve their African style music. Names of instruments and how they are held will be reinforced. They will design a symmetrical African mask using shapes. Children will be looking at colours and mixing; using different mediums to achieve an effects. Health and Well-Being The school values and rules will be reinforced and the traffic light system continued. Children will learning about ‘getting on and falling out’. They will explore emotions and friendship while having a growth mindset and being resilient. We will celebrate St David’s day and world book day in school this term. Our children continue to take part in and enjoy activities brought to us by Newport live every Thursday. Please remember children should be in plain black bottoms, polo top and their school cardigan or jumper.

‘Around the world’ Year One How you can help Language, Literacy and Communication Talk about the topic with your child. Change home reader books on a weekly basis. Practice flashcards. Sing and say songs and poems. Welsh Language Development Highlight the Welsh language when out and about. Share any songs with your child. If you want any phrases ask your class teacher. French Share and experience of the ‘French’ language. Mathematical Development Encourage your child to use mental maths at every opportunity. Sing number songs. Let your children use money in real life situations. Talk to your child about the time and the passing of time. Curriculum News – Spring 2019 Science and Technology Research into space and natural disasters. Use fact books and the internet to find out information. Humanities Research some facts about Africa. Research some information about endangered animals. ‘Around the world’ Year One How you can help Expressive arts Encourage the children to experiment with colour, textures and different ways of creating art. Sing songs, rhymes at any opportunity. Clap, tap rhythms. Health and Well-being Talk about what you do when you have a problem. Talk about what makes a good friend. Talk about the different feelings you have and how you deal with them. Encourage children to play with balls of different sizes. Talk about the movements they can make when out and about. Encourage children to run, jump, skip, hop with increasing control.